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Loki P.O.V.
Why does she hate me? Am I not nice enough? Handsome? Or is it that she isn't interested? Women! I say hello and she only responds with a wave. I hold her by the waist and she turns stiff? I can't do anything without her trembling at my finger tips. The worst part is she smiles to others but not to me. Y/n what do I need to do to get a smile? Just one?! I've never struggled before but with her I do. She is a complete package she's funny, sweet, smart, and unexplainably gorgeous she is other things to but that'd take at least a hundred books to write. She loves literature just like me and we have a lot of things in common. She also grew up in a shadow of there older sibling. Natasha is y/n's older sister.

Today was one of those days were y/n would sit at far side of the room to play with her daggers with one hand while holding a book in the other. She's great with multitasking. I was about to approach her when the winter soldier Bucky if that's his name sat next to her. He smiled and took out one of his daggers as she put down her book to look. He showed off a trick and she smiled as she copied it from him perfectly. 'Shes a quick learner' I told myself as I walked towards them and sat infront of her. She raised her eyebrows as she saw me approaching and didn't pay attention to the dagger in her hand as she cut herself. I ran to her and gripped her arm applying pressure. I quickly walked her to my room with bandages and disinfectant wipes with me. She sat on my bed quietly as I held her hand disenfecting the wound and the dagger. "t-thank y-you loki" she stuttered and looked into my eyes. "Wow I didn't know you had such pretty eyes" she grabbed my face pulling me closer to her. I blushed like crazy trying to calm down she seemed to notice and fidgeted with her fingers. "It's fine" I said with a smile my heart stopped and my face turned shocked as I saw her smile she seemed to see it. "what's wr-" I cut her off. "Do it again smile" I said and she smiled while she giggled. "My world finally I got a smile from you!" I was happy extremely happy. She finally warmed up to me.

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki imagines And OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now