play boy part 3

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Tom's p.o.v.
She was with Sebastian. I clenched my fist in anger. She got out the car her giggles were loudly heard. It made my heart ache just knowing she was laughing happier with someone else. She stopped giggling when she saw me in her eyes there clearly showed anger. I stood up and walked to her. "What are you doing with him?" I stood infront of her. She simply brushed past me and went inside.

I opened the door not to long after leaving Sebastian outside. "Y/n!" I yelled as she came into view. "What? Tom what are you even doing here?" She asked. "It's not about why I'm here I'm asking why were you with him?!" I asked. "Not like it's any of your business we broke up" she said coldly. "You showed me how I really meant to you with your constant whoring around" she said as her voice cracked and she choked a sob. My heart broke enough to understand I've only been hurting her. "I- I have never been in a serious relationship and I didn't want to get hurt first so I tried hurting you as many times I could it's stupid but that's what I thought really worked at keeping you by my side" I told her honestly.

Y/n p.o.v.
"You think I'm going to believe that bullshit?" I asked as the tears slipped down one by one. He tried getting closer but I kept going back. "I'm serious" he said. "You see I can't trust you any more Tom I'm done and I give up on you" I said in that moment he pinned me on the wall. "We aren't done.... We can never be done y/n" he whispered. "You know as much as i, that I could never let you go" he lead his forehead against mine. I cried for the millionth time. "Why? Why can't you just let me go?" I said as a sob broke out. "I can't because I love you... I adore you y/n every little thing about you drives me crazy" he said as he lifted my face up. He has never told me his loved me yet it could be a trick for all I know. "How do I know your not going to mess this up again because I really can't tell" I said as I pushed him off. "Just let me think about it Tom" i said as I opened the door and he understood I wanted to be left alone. He stood beside me and kissed my cheek. "I meant what I said" he said as he left the house. As soon as I locked the door I fell on my knees even more confused than I already was.

Would you forgive him?

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki imagines And OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now