baby let's go home

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Like any cliche story this one was the rainiest and cold. I just rewinded the whole argument with tom over and over again.

"I just don't understand why she texted you out of nowhere Tom we made our relationship public a couple weeks ago and she sends you a text saying she misses you" I stood up. "As you could see I didn't reply at all" he crossed his arms. "Oh yeah and you coincidentally bumped into her at a cafe where you guys were photographed" I had tears spilling. "Y/n would you listen to yourself for once this is crazy this conversation wouldn't have even started if you didn't check my phone why are you so noisy all the time I just came from a flight and you want to get into an argument the second you see me just leave me alone" he said. Neither of us backing down from the fight. "Fine I will I just demand the same thing leave me alone and tell your mother the party is over" I told him as I walked out the apartment and waited outside a hotel. My hair soaken wet as I entered it and booked a room. I walked up to my room and locked the door.

The room was big as I leaned at the back of the bed and poured my heart out into the pillows. The room was dark and cold before a light knock was heard. Quickly cleaning under my eyes I opened the door to find Tom panting raggedly. "I'm sorry y/n please forgive me" he reached to grab me before I pulled away. "Y/n I'm sorry I called my mother and she explained how you wanted to throw a party for me and that's when you saw Taylor's text" he walked in the hotel as he closed the door. "Darling please" he pleaded as he walked closer. "I thought you wanted me to leave you alone and not be with someone noisy" he flinched back as if I hit him I repeated the harsh words he said to me. His eyes began to water "i know I'm an asshole bit I love you baby please let me make it up to you" he held my shoulders as he stepped closer. "Baby let's go home" he whispered as he kissed my forehead. "I already rented this room for a night" I told him as he squeezed my shoulders and threw me on the bed. "We can go home tomorrow then" he jumped right on top of me as he held me close to him the whole night.

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki imagines And OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now