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"I really thought I could change you" I said as a bitter laugh escaped my lips. He sat on the bed with his mistress in bed. "Two fucking years I have been on your ass asking you to change and you never did but I don't regret it because I know she isn't the first nor I she going to be the last and no matter how much you plea to have me back on your side I won't because I'm done and I know I don't need you in my life keep my stuff I don't need them anyway" I threw the key into the bed and walked out the hell hole of an apartment. I drove all night until I stopped at my parents old house. The feeling in my chest disappeared I had no more heart ache no remorse I felt free and it felt good. I opened the front door and sat the keys down in the small tray infront of the door. I took my jacket off and hung it in the closet along with my shoes. My phone lit up to so many calls and text from Tom but I never opened them. I sat on the couch as I took the back of my phone off and removed the battery and took out the sim card and put a new one with a new phone number. I put my phone back together and texted my family about me changing my number. I turned on the heater as the coldness was seeping through the windows and it was getting chilly. I eventually went up stairs and changed into new clothes. The doorbell rung making my heart stop. I went and opened the door to reveal Sebastian my old friend and neighbor. I hugged him "when did you get back huh? Why are you in the neighborhood?" I asked "just visiting my mom until I saw you pull up on the driveway" he said. "Come in it's cold" i said as he quickly went in and I closed the door behind him. "I got a new number here leave yours" I said as I passed him my phone which he took. "Finally I haven't seen you in years now we can catch up and go on that date I owed you" he winked and smiled. I smiled back "stop I'm not falling for your tricks again" I giggled at the thought of them "I'm serious" he put his hand on his heart "I'm hurt you don't believe me" he said making me roll my eyes.

Part 2 soon?

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki imagines And OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now