Chocolate Drama

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I wiped the sweat off my forehead with a small towel next to me. I was finally done I finished making chocolates for Tom. Tom is a very mysterious person and he doesn't like talking to people but I try my hardest everyday to get him to open up to me. I managed to know he likes chocolate with raspberries in them. So I made them I stayed up all night just to cook this scrumptious chocolates. Ask my roommate Scarlett she has been trying to steal some from the batch all night. I saw Tom on set by himself and the script in his hands. I stood infront of him. "Hello Tom guess what I have for you?" He looked up not very pleased to see me he rolled his eyes. "Chocolate?" he said as he looked at the little bag they were stored in "look y/n I mean no offense but I'm not interested in you or whatever you want from me" he said coldly. "I just wanted to be a friend" I threw the chocolate in the trash can next to him. "I won't waste your time anymore" I walked away leaving him shocked he looked at the trashcan to see the chocolate broke and the raspberries inside.

I went back to my trailer and slammed the door. I passed the kitchen to see Scarlett licking the last of the chocolate and eyeing the last batch of it. "Go ahead you can eat it" I smiled as I saw her eyes sparkle. "So did he like it?" She asked licking her
Fingers from the chocolate that melted. "I threw them away" I told her as her jaw dropped. "Your kidding! They were the best chocolates you have ever made why would you throw them away!" She argued. "It was a foolish idea to try and get close to him he doesn't want me near him I'll get over this ridiculous crush soon don't worry" I told her. She crossed her arms "his lost your a wonderful girl y/n and he might be my friend and all but his an idiot he'll figure it out sooner than later" she said as she washed her hands and dried them. "It was a total waste of time" I said as looked at my hands "I burned myself once or twice making them all that effort for nothing" I didn't know I started to cry until I was pulled into an embrace by Scarlett. "They were delicious even if you made for him I liked them very much make me more some time" she smiled.

On the outside of the trailer...
Tom's p.o.v.
I was annoyed today much more than other days. I don't know I had to wake up early and do extremely early scene's. While I waited for my next one y/n came up to me with chocolate? It wasn't my intention to be rude but it did come out that way. She threw the chocolate in the trashcan and walked away. They had raspberries in them. How did she find out I liked these types of chocolate. I took them out the trashcan and walked to her trailer. She just went in and I heard hers and Scarlett's conversation. 'she sacrificed her sleep even if she has scenes to act just to make me chocolate' guilt instantly hit me as I gripped the bag of chocolates tighter as I headed to my trailer. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

Y/n's p.o.v.
I was stretched out on my couch like a cat as sleep took over me after all my scenes were done for today. Tom had two scenes with me but I played my part perfectly and walked to the next set for my scene not a single word was spoken from me to him other than the scene we played of course. Tomorrow we'll have alot more other scenes I'm dreading to do. One includes a scene where I ignore him and he Chase's after me the second one is a love scene where he kisses me. All in the name of my job I'll put up with it. "Y/n?" Tom said from my trailer door. "Go away I want to sleep" I told him not really caring. "Well I want to talk" he fought back "and I don't" I barked as I yawned "you've done alot damage to what I have worked for so guess what I gave up on you on trying to work out a friendship I don't know what I ever did to you but please just leave me alone" I closed my windows and laid on mine and Scarlett's shared bed well whenever she wanted to sleep on the same bed because she has her on trailer.

Scarlett's p.o.v.
I was in my trailer bored when the door opened and I saw Tom I just glared at him. "I need your help with y/n" he said "what's in it for me?" I asked as I sat on my couch and crossed my arms. "This?" He opened his palm to see the bag of chocolates y/n made. "Deal" I lunged for it by it was pulled back by Tom "not yet and you have to share some with me" he said as I pouted "fine I'll help you and I'll 'share' the chocolate now give me" I argued as he gave me the bag of chocolate. I ate them with a smile as I have him the keys to y/n's trailer he took one chocolate and groaned as soon as it hit his mouth. "there so good!" He smiled and took three more before he left. "Your WELCOME!!" I yelled as he closed my trailer door and kept eating until my heart's content of chocolate.

Part 2?

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki imagines And OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now