Our Child part 7

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I stayed in my trailer as I broke down. A few minutes later Scarlett came in by herself as she helped me calm down. She had me in her arms as a light knock. I heard Tom's voice and my managers but Scarlett told them I wasn't feeling well and that I'd do the next scenes tomorrow. They soon left as she came back and closed the door. "I'll take the dress back here I'll help you get out of it" she said as I stood up and walked out the dress and quickly changed. "Thank you" I said as she smiled and hugged me tight before she left. I sat down as another light knock was heard. It was my manager again. She had her tablet in her hand as she flipped the screen to me. It showed a picture of me and Tom it was an old picture of when we used to date next to a recent one of me holding the red roses he gave me. The title read. "Is an old love rising back up?" It questioned. I furrowed my eyebrows as I read the article. How did they find an old picture of me and Tom? "Care to explain? Is that what it was on set?" She asked. "Look I'm not going to talk to you about my relationships or my past lovers I'm my own person and in the contract I have the right to tell you if I want but you aren't forcing anything right now I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I headed back in the trailer and laid in bed.

In the morning my alarm woke me up as I headed to set and got ready. I didn't see Tom which was a relief. "Okay let's begin where we left off with sigyn walking to Thor's room we need to fill in the scenes to organize it... And action!" He yelled as my light foot steps echoed out and I knocked on the prop door to have Thor open it. He nodded and took my hand in his as we walked to Heimdall. The portal was open and we entered to midgard as Thor had slung his hammer. And we landed in stark tower. "ah man of iron!" Thor yelled as he greeted the people and introduced me. "Wait so your saying reindeer games has a wife!" The man Thor called man of iron yelled as he ate a blue berry. I was greeted by a blonde hair girl she hugged me. "I'm not feeling well Thor" I said my line as the blonde women had walked me into the bathroom and we cut the scene. The scene began again with Ms. Potts saying sigyn was pregnant and Thor left back to Asgard as he bid farewell to sigyn. "Cut move scene to where Loki finds sigyn again and bring in the baby!" The director yelled as the crew ran here and there. Tom had entered the set. "Y/n" he said as he walked closer but I was handed the baby. "Okay places everyone! And ...... Action!" He yelled as Tom stood outside the glass. My back faced him as I held the baby close to me with gwyneth the actress playing miss Potts by my side. The door swung open as Gwyneth took the baby and walked off set. "Loki what are you doing here?" I asked my line. "I couldn't stand you not being by my side" that isn't his line! "Bu-" I was cut off. "I love you!" He said as he stood infront of me "it was a mistake and I was a fool to not know it was you it was always you" he said as tears slipped out his eyes he bent on his knees. "I'm sorry please forgive me for being the fool I will forever work hard to earn your trust and love back I promise" his voice slightly cracked. My heart started ponding was he seriously apologizing now?! None of this is on script and there letting it pass. I went on my knees as I cupped his face and smiled as the tears fell down my cheeks and fit the floor. "I forgive you" I said as he smiled and pulled me closer into a kiss. It was only me and him in that moment we forgot there was other people. He cupped my cheek as he wiped a tear away. Everyone started clapping around us as we pulled apart. The director walked to us. "That was great you guys! How did you guys come up with it? ah anyway that's a wrap on the movie we don't need to shoot any more" He asked as Tom helped me up and pulled me to his side. "Thank you director" I said as I smiled and looked back at Tom as he also had a smile on his face. "I missed you" he said as he pulled me by my waist and kissed me again causing me to giggle. "Mommy!" Nicholas yelled as he ran to the both of us. Tom picked him up "Nicholas do you like Tom?" I asked as the boy smiled and nodded. "Do you remember the name of your dad I told you before" I said as Nicholas eyes brightened and he hugged tom. It made Tom chuckle as a few tears slipped. Nicholas remembered I told him that his father's name was Tom. I never told Nicholas a bad thing about Tom even if I was mad at him the boy had no reason to hate his father.

Few months later

Tom had kissed me lightly as he rubbed my belly and played with my wedding ring on my finger. He hummed a calm song as Nicholas read a book on the end of the couch. "Nicholas" I whispered as the boys head shot up. "Are you excited to have a little sister soon?" I asked as he smiled "yes! Because now I'll be able to protect her from dragons and bad guys!" He said as he jumped around. Making me and Tom both laugh. "What about you are you ready for another girl in the house?" I asked Tom as he scrunched his face playfully. "Yes because now I can spoil my wife, son and now my daughter to my heart's content" he answered as he kissed my cheek.

The end

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki imagines And OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now