Playboy part 2

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"Shit!" I said under my breath as the door opened revealing y/n 'i thought she was going to have a late night at the studio again' my thoughts closed in as my mistress hid under my arm.

"I really thought I could change you" She said as a bitter laugh escaped her lips. I sat on the bed with my mistress in bed. "Two fucking years I have been on your ass asking you to change and you never did but I don't regret it because I know she isn't the first nor I she going to be the last and no matter how much you plea to have me back on your side again I won't because I'm done and I know I don't need you in my life keep my stuff I don't need them anyway" She threw the key into the bed and walked out the apartment. I sat in bed smiling knowing she'll be back in a couple of days. My mistress left soon after. I showered and left calls and messages but she didn't see them or answer. It was getting frustrating after a while so I ignored it. She will be back she always does. I slept in our bed as I still got no messages back.

The next day

I sat in bed with the side being empty and cold as my foot moved in the sheets and something fell onto the floor with a clang. I stood up and saw her keys. She will come back she at least needs to get her stuff. I shrugged and went on with my day.

One week later

I can't believe she hasn't called or texted me back. 'Who does she think she is?' I threw my phone against the wall and walked out to my car. I parked near our old dating spot knowing I found her here last time but she wasn't there. My heart ached just the memory of her laugh and the warm sun that day the day I met her was peaceful. 'Fool' that's what I was I lost the most valuable thing to me. 'Why am I the fool?' I turned around by hearing a light giggle. It wasn't her... I felt my pockets for my phone and remembered I left it home. I went back to the car and drove to the apartment. I swung the door open and looked frantically for my phone. I found it as the screen was cracked. I looked at my contacts and a message of my manager was sent I opened the message revealing y/n with Sebastian in a coffee shop the address was sent as I tucked in my phone in my pocket and drove to the house her parents owned. It took my an hour to park the car and walk up the steps. I stayed there waiting for her. I sat in the chair for two more hours until a car pulled up. It was her but she wasn't alone....

Tom Hiddleston/ Loki imagines And OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now