The next morning

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"Are you seriously still wearing that?" Clint asked when Bucky and Steve walked in.

"What can I say? It's comfy." Bucky said sitting down as Steve started the coffee and pancakes. "Extra chocolate chips Stevie"

"Like always" Steve laughed.

Natasha walked in with one of those ear pieces talking on the phone.

"Yeah so you'll be here tomorrow right?"

"Umm of course we will. We live here remember, Nat?" Clint said.

"Not you! I'm on the phone! Blueberry pancakes are fine with me- no no not you not you- Steve! You!"

"Is she normally this cranky?" Bucky asked.

"Only near the holidays. She goes Godzilla wanting everything to be perfect." Steve answered.

"SHUT UP- no no not you Wanda I'm talking to Steve. Yeah yeah I know he's annoying. You should see him with Barnes though then they're even worse. Yeah okay. Okay we'll see you tomorrow then. Bye." She hung up the phone. "Wanda will be here tomorrow for Thanksgiving. You're still wearing his sweater?"

"For goodness sake if it's that important I'll take it off!" Bucky said exasperated and took the sweater off.

"Because you being practically naked is much better." Natasha said sarcastically.

"Well that's up to you," he joked.

"I don't think Steve minds very much" Clint laughed.

"That's it! No pancakes for you!" Steve said.

"What?! No! I want pancakes!!!! Please!!!!"

Steve rolled his eyes and started serving the pancakes to the others.

"Where's stark?" Bucky asked.

"Pepper calls he runs." Clint responded as Steve sat down with his own pancakes.

Bucky reached over and grabbed Steve's coffee taking a sip.

"Totally normal." Natasha said sarcastically.

"Shut up" Bucky said.

A few hours later

"So are we going to talk about this whole kiss thing between you two? Because you can't just tell us about that and not follow up with a What how why when Huh. " Tony asked walking in.

"No." Steve said simply.

"Well it's actually a funny story. Well one of the stories is funny anyways," Bucky said ignoring Steve completely.

"You kissed more than once?" Clint said joining the conversation.

"Are we still talking about there kiss?" Natasha asked walking in.

"Wait who kissed?" Bruce asked walking in after Natasha.

"Someone kissed?" Thor asked dropping from the roof.

"I am going to kill you for telling them this in the first place." Steve said to Bucky.

"Yep! Steve and Bucky! Way back in the olden days and buckys about to tell us why it happened though I think we all know why." Clint said.

"It's not that big of a deal! We can't be the only one who have kissed before! None of you have ever kissed? I find that hard to believe, no offense." Bucky said.

"Just start the damn story." Bruce said.

"Well as you know I've kissed many many many many-" Bucky started.

"They get it!" Steve snapped getting annoyed. (Bc hed never admit to being jealous hehehe)

"Someone's jealous." Clint muttered making Tony laugh.

"I am not jealous!" Steve said as his face went red.

"No one said it was you now did they? Get back to the story Barnes." Tony said.

"Steve had never kissed anyone, this was before the serum and before I went to war, and he wanted to know what all the fuss was about so I kissed him to get him to shut up and go to sleep. The end. See? No big deal." Bucky said nonchalantly.

"That's not how it happened." Steve said.

"Yes it is. I may have had my mind brainwashed but I do remember things now."

"What about that time we both got drunk. Or that time you "saved" me from those people in that back aly way. Or when we were in the back of that truck that one time." Steve said.

"Oh yeah. I had forgotten those...... get that look off your face Nat they were all by accident."

"Yeah....... accident." Steve repeated.

"Explain to me how you accidentally kiss someone then because I've never accidentally kissed someone." Natasha said smirking.

"Okay! We were both drunk as a skunk we had no clue what we were doing; therefore, being counted as an accident. And the road was bumpy and there were no seatbelts and I fell and my lips just so happened to land on steves lips. Accident."

"Okay just don't go "accidentally" kissing any of us now." Tony laughed. 

"Too late." Bucky said grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"Who the hell have you kissed?" Steve shouted. "Uhhh I'm gonna go make some more coffee." He said standing up.

"I don't think you need anymore coffee in ya." Bruce said causing Steve to sit down again seeing as it was probably true.

"But seriously who have you kissed?" Asked Tony.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out." Bucky said standing up. "I'm gonna go take a shower" he said before leaving them all in bewilderment.


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