Hotel rooms

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"Well it's too late to head back now" Tony said after the battle.

"let's just head to a hotel and stay a few nights! Are we really needed back in New York right now? It's France for goodness sakes! The place of love right?" Clint said.

"Aren't you married?" Bucky asked.

" yeah but I wasn't talking about me."

Bucky flipped him off.

"Okay there's a hotel not far from here. Let's go." Natasha said and they all followed her.

"bonjour et bonsoir madame! Comment puis-je vous aider, vous et vos amis, aujourd'hui?" The person at the counter said.

"Hello and good evening ma'am! How may I help you and your friends today?"

"Bonjour, quatre chambres pour deux nuits s'il vous plaît. Je vous remercie" Natasha said And they handed her the room keys. After saying thank you she headed towards the elevator. They were all next door to each other.

"Four rooms? There's seven of us here." Bucky said.

"Yeah. I'll share a room with Clint, you and tony share a room, and then these three can figure out who of all of them gets a room all to themselves." Natasha said as if the most obvious thing in the world.

"Наталья, могу я поговорить с тобой минутку?" Bucky said walking to the other side of the room.

"Natalia, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"If you never call me that again then yes." She said walking over to him. "What is it?"

"я не делю комнату с ним! это достаточно плохо, Стив думает, что встречался! не говорите, что мы должны заставить это казаться правдоподобным, потому что есть грань между общей комнатой и правдоподобностью, и вы пересекаете эту черту. нет! ты пересек эту черту обратно в самолет, когда сказал, что вошел в нас, блядь!" Bucky said.

"i'm not sharing a room with him! it's bad enough steve thinks were dating! dont say we have to make it seem believible because theres a line netween sharing a room and believable and you are crossing that line. no! you crossed that line back at the plane when you said you walked in on us fucking!"

"Look if it doesn't make him jealous by tomorrow night then we'll tell him it was all one big joke. Deal?"

"Fine. This is some poorly written FanFiction you and Clint made isn't it?"

Natasha just laughed and they walked back over. She handed everyone a room key.

"I have cards against humanity in the plane if you guys wanna play a little. Or some truth or dare." Tony said.

"That's a brilliant idea!" Clint said with an evil grin.

"Yeah for a twelve year old girls sleepover." Natasha said.

"Come on Tasha! Please!"

"Fine! Let's play."

Tony went to get the game and then they all walked into Steves room.

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