Hospital (2)

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A day passed and nothing happened so Tony decided to get the private jet and get them all back to New York.

As soon as they got to New York Tony got the best doctors working to make sure Steve would be okay.

Four more days passed and still nothing.

"Bucky, Maybe you should go get something to eat or back to the tower to get some sleep." Natasha whispered knowing it was useless, Bucky always answered with the same thing.

"I can't leave. What if he wakes up and I'm not here? What if he wakes up and no ones here?!"

"At least go out for a short walk in the sun or something." Natasha tried desperately. This was honestly getting depressing.

"Fine. I'll go get a coffee but if I'm not here and he wakes up I'm blaming it on you." Bucky muttered standing up. "I'll be back soon, Steve. I love you." He whispered kissing his forehead before walking out to go get a coffee.

"Is he gone?" Tony asked walking in.

"Yeah. You better know what you're doing."

"I don't." Tony said walking over to Steve. "HELP THE CITYS UNDER ATTACK!" He shouted. "Nothing, Wow."

"Ummm okay. Yeah okay. Rogers, you've survived worse than this and we both know it. You're boyfriend is by your side every single fucking day dying of guilt. We all just want to know that you're okay but you don't wake up and it's scaring everyone. Please, Steve. If not for us, then for Bucky."

"What's going on?" Bucky asked coming back with his coffee.

"Just wanted to see if there's been any progress." Tony answered.

"And? Anything?" Bucky asked, hopeful.

"Nothing. I'm sorry, Barnes." Tony said and the small smile Bucky had on his face fell.

"This is all my fault. I should be the one who got shot not him. I shouldn't have argued with him about getting our own place just because I was scared!"

"You're moving out?" Natasha asked.

"He wants to. I'm too scared to admit that that's what I want too, so I made up all these ridiculous excuses." Bucky whispered sitting down.

Natasha sighed.

"You want us to leave you alone?" Tony asked.

"Whatever you want." Bucky said with a shrug.

Tony sighed and walked out with Natasha.

"He's going to start speaking Russian again isn't he?" Clint asked when Tony and Natasha got back.

"Probably." They answered.

"Come on, Steve. We only just had our first real argument as a couple. It wasn't something stupid like whether waffles or pancakes were better. We still have so many more fights about so many more stupid things. We still have so many more firsts to come. Our first house or apartment as a couple, our first time proposing where it ends up terrible because because you put a ring in a glass of champagne and I drank it or I put a ring in a slice of cake because Natasha made me watch a stupid rom-com and I decided to use the stupid idea and you ate it and we spend the entire time freaking out but end up laughing about it after I make you go to the hospital to make sure you're okay because we've practically been married since we were sixteen but it's just not time to make it official. Our first time trying on tuxes a few months or a year later because we tried proposing again and it actually worked this time. Our first time getting a dog or a cat or a rabbit or something like that. We could get chickens for all I care. You want chickens? We'll get chickens. A cow? Done we'll get a cow." Bucky said with a small laugh wiping his tears away.

"Don't leave me Steve. Please. Don't make this our last fight. Our last kiss. Our last "I love you's". Don't die on me, Steve. It's not the end of the line. Not yet. You're getting off this damn train way too many stations early so get your ass back on this train because the end of the line is a long way away. A long long time." Bucky whispered and the monitor Steve was connected to started flatlining.

"Steve? Steve?" Bucky whispered before getting up and running out of the room. "I NEED A DOCTOR IN HERE!" He shouted and the doctors ran in.

To be continued......

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