Wanna go for a walk?

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"One bed? Seriously?" Bucky said walking into the room.

"It's mine. You can sleep on the couch." Tony said.

"Why do you get the bed?"

"Because I'm a genius? Handsome? Rich? Did I say handsome yet?"

"And I'm an ex-assassin and I think I murdered John F. Kennedy or whatever his name is. I get the bed."

Tony rolled his eyes.

"I get the bed."

"Don't be an ass. If you're a billionaire can't you just go get another room?"

"I'm too tired. We're three stories up!"

"Take the elevator!"

"The beds mine." Tony said and hopped in the bed to make a point.

"Go to hell Stark!" Bucky shouted walking out of the room.

He walked over to steves room. He stood at the door. He went to knock and then changed his mind. This carried on for about twenty minutes.

Natasha opened the door.

"Clint you can keep screaming at him about being stupid tomorrow. Personally I'm too tired for this bullshit." Natasha said not noticing Bucky until she walked into him.

"Didn't you already leave?" Natasha asked.

"Did you know that Starks a bed hogging ass?" Bucky asked walking into the room and sitting down.

"No I did not know that." Natasha said confused.

"Well he is." Bucky said spinning in the chair. "This is fun."

"Are you still drunk?"

"I should be asking you if you've been drunk the past few days! You know what? I'm about to say the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!"

"Does this means he's going to-" Clint started before Bucky turnt to face Steve.

"These two had a terrible idea to say Tony and I were going out. We never were. I'd never go out with such an ass and I'm surprised you even believed it. Don't ask why I agreed to go along with it because I have no idea. Clint and Tony thought it would be a brilliant idea to mess with us and use my phone to send you those emojis and that message. Do you know me? I can't send a message to save my fucking life. Now that all that's out of the way let's start over!" Bucky said and stood up walking out of the room and closing the door. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Steve got up and opened the door completely confused.

"Hi." Bucky said softly with a smile.

"Hey." Steve said with a laugh.

"You wanna go for a walk? We could even get some coffee and scones later if you want." Bucky laughed mocking a British accent when he said scones.

"Isn't it kinda late?"

"It's two in the morning. We can go for a walk, talk a little, grab a bite later, watch the sun rise. Were in France for goodness sakes Stevie! Enjoy it! I'm sharing a room with an asshole when I'd much rather be sharing a room with you. So you tell me if it's too late because I'm here hoping it's not." Bucky responded with a smile. "So? Is it too late or not?"

"It's never too late. Not when it comes to you, Buck." Steve said grinning.

"Great." Bucky said before walking out with Steve.

"Were going to follow them right?" Clint asked.

"Obviously!" Natasha said and they followed them out staying behind enough for them not to see them.

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