What happened?

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As soon as the Winter Soldier passed out Steve sat up gasping for breath.

"What the....... what the hell did you........ do?!" He asked trying to get his breathing back to normal.

"I did what he asked me too." Natasha said simply, prepared for Steve to absolutely hate her.

"Is he dead?" MJ asked.

"Who are you again? And what are you doing in my tower?" Tony asked.

"MJ. Don't know. Followed Peter here." She said with a shrug.

"She asked a good question. Is he dead?" Clint asked.

"Honest?" Natasha asked.

"Please." Steve said.

"I have no idea. He gave me this paper with the word on it and told me to make sure if anything happened that he didn't hurt anyone." She said tossing the paper towards Steve.

"He wasn't-" Steve started as she cut him off.

"Don't tell me he wasn't hurting you when the bruises on your neck say different. He could've easily killed you." She snapped.

"He wouldn't have!"

"The person who was choking you wasn't Bucky! It looks like Bucky but it isn't! It was the Winter Soldier, Steve!"

"I was getting through to him!"

"Maybe but we couldn't -I couldn't- take that chance."

"I can't believe you'd-"

"She's right, Steve." Tony said.

"What?" They both asked.

"We don't know how long he'll be out. We need to get him in some form of restraints Incase when he comes back he's still the Winter Soldier. As soon as we get him in them I'll monitor his heart rate to see if that's word did something that'll kill him." Tony said.

"You wanna throw him in a cell? This is unbelievable even for you, Tony." Steve said.

"I'm sorry, Steve. I don't want to do this anymore than you do."

"There's a difference. I'm not doing it. You are." Steve said with a scoff.

Bucky woke up three hours later, luckily, not in the Winter Soldiers mind.

"I still can't believe you're doing this." Steve whispered to Tony on the other side of the two way glass.

"As soon as we're sure he's him you can go in will you calm down?" Tony said.

Bucky made a move to move and get out of wherever the hell he was before realizing he couldn't.

"What the hell?" He whispered to himself looking up to see his hands handcuffed to the roof.

"I'm having serious dejavú of a few weeks ago, Rogers. Except then you were the one in the handcuffs not me." He said with a smirk.

Tony screamed at the unwanted image in his head.

"Oh my god." Clint said.

"At least we know he's back to normal. And a lot more than we originally needed to know." Natasha said trying to cover up a laugh.

"Shut your trap." Steve muttered.

"Please tell me you're out there and that I didn't just say that to Natasha or someone." Bucky said.

Steve presses the button to turn the microphone on so he could talk to Bucky without having to go in the room and have Tony give him a lecture.

"Right here, Buck. You didn't leave me and I'm not leaving you." Steve said.

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