Three days later

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Natasha wouldn't stop bugging him what else was he going to do?! He ended up going on a date. One date turned to two which turned to three and three days passed and he had gone out with three different girls and he didn't like any of them.

Midnight 🕛

He didn't mean to be out so late and he knew that if he woke anyone up they'd all kill him.

Bucky opened the door to avengers tower and the alarm went off followed by all the lights turning on.

The avengers all came down to the front door.

"Do you have any idea- *yawn*- what time it is?!" Tony asked shutting off the alarm.

"That's a good question. Why the hell weren't you here? Who the hell were you out with?" Steve asked jealousy clear in his voice.

"No one special. Can you not shout at me? My heads pounding."

"Are you drunk?" Tony asked laughing.

"No idiot. I may have walked into a wall or seven times- but that's not the point! Okay maybe I'm a little buzzed. I hate this fucking super soldier thing not letting me get drunk."

"Is that a hickey?" Natasha asked smirking as she saw steves face go red in anger.

"BARNES GOT SOME!" Clint laughed.

"You'd think wouldn't you? But no because I couldn't get a certain someone out of my fucking mind and I haven't been able to for these past three days!"

"Who?" Steve asked.

"ты тупой! ты со своими дурацкими идеальными волосами и тупой задницей и все глупо! ТЫ, ТЫ! ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ УВИДЕТЬ, ЧТО ?! Я Умираю ЗДЕСЬ СТИВ! я безнадежно влюблен в тебя, и ты даже не видишь этого! это то, чего ты не хочешь, потому что, если это так, то просто скажи мне, потому что даже глупый Бартон - БАРТОН - получил это раньше, чем ты, и это по-настоящему душераздирающе и чертовски напряженно, чтобы скрывать это от тебя, потому что я тебе все говорю но я не могу сказать тебе это, потому что я не знаю, что ты скажешь или как ты прямо и испугался меня, потому что я не хочу потерять тебя - я не могу потерять тебя, Стив!" Bucky shouted hyperventilating a bit. Did he really just admit too being in love with Steve?

" you stupid! you with your stupid perfect hair and stupid ass and stupid everything! YOU YOU YOU! CANT YOU SEE THAT?! IM DYING HERE STEVE! im hopelessly in love with you and you cant even see it! is it that you dont want to because if thats what it is than just tell me because even stupid Barton- BARTON- got it before you do and its honestly heart breaking and so fucking stressful to have to hide this from you because i tell you everything but i cant tell you this because i dont know what youll say or how youll rect and thr terrified me because i dont want to lose you- i CANT lose you steve!"

"What was that?" Steve asked confused. "I don't speak Russian, Buck."

Bucky sighed. He did just admit it and Steve had no idea. "I know you don't."

"Is Natasha crying?" Tony asked surprised.

"Shut up! Did you not just hear what he said?!

"You didn't even cry when Bambies mother died!"

"I'm sorry that I don't care about make believe worlds." Natasha snapped.

"I'm going to sleep." Bucky said and started walking off.

"Я люблю тебя, Стиви. я просто не понимал, как я тебя любил до сих пор. это может быть что-то больное всегда сожалеть. не зная раньше и не имея смелости сделать что-то с этим, когда я сделал." Bucky whispered.

"i love you, stevie. i just didn't realize how i loved you until now. that may be something ill always regret. not knowing sooner and not having the guts to do something about it when i did."

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now