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"Ummmm" Steve, Clint, Tony, and Natasha all said.

"What? Did I do something?" Bucky asked confused.

"We were just saying that Steve should tell you that-" Natasha started before being cut off.

"THAT I REALLY WANT TO GO SEE THE EIFEL TOWER! YEP THATS IT! THE EIFEL TOWER!" Steve shouted before Natasha could say anymore.

"Okay then. No need to shout." Bucky laughed.


"So you wanna shower before you go or?"

"Yeah!" Steve said getting up and heading to the bathroom.

" hey! Do you uh may-maybe wanna go with me? We leave tomorrow morning and who knows when we'll come back so why not go sight seeing while we're here."

"Uh yeah. Why the hell not ya know?" Bucky said with a smile.

"Cool. I'll shower and we'll go." Steve said walking into the bathroom.

"Oh my god you need to change right now!" Natasha whispered standing up.

"What? Why?" Bucky asked.

"I'm with him on this one." Clint said.

"Yeah..... why does he have to change exactly?" Tony asked just as confused.

"Because this is like a pre-date date! Like a date before you go out on a date!" Natasha said like the most obvious thing in the world.

"I'm still lost." Bucky said as the others agreed.

"I didn't even know that was a thing." Tony added.

"Well it's not an official thing it's more of a thing that happens when both people are scared to ask the other out and neither of them really see it as a date at first but then by the end one of the people on said date asks the other on a not so pre real real date. It's simple! Honestly how have none of you heard of this?"

"I'm still lost." Clint said.

"It's like- what's that saying?- testing the waters before a jump. See if the person you're interested in is interested in you before actually asking them out. It's all in steps! Now, Tony, as much as I hate to admit it, you don't have terrible style so I want you to go get Barnes ready for his date thing with Steve. Clint and I have a little preparing to do beforehand."

"Got it." Tony said though he was honestly lost in it all. "Let's go Barnes." He said and walked out with Bucky.

"Look, like I said, it's all in steps. Phase one was having them admit to themselves that they like each other. Phase two started when Barnes practically asked Steve out this morning. Phase two will, hopefully; end tonight after the date that Steve asked Bucky on. They'll be walking back to the hotel and admit they like one another. Of course there comes in the problem in every love story, it could be anything from the fact that Bucky tried to kill Steve to internalized homophobia for oneself from being from the thirties where people were killed for it. Either way I have plans for each. Let's just hope that whatever the issue in their dramatic love story is we have a way to fix it. Look there's no need to worry because in every version of my plan they end up happy and married in the near to far future."

"And say your plan doesn't work? What happens then?" Clint asked.

"I've thought of everything there's no way this could fail! Now, let's get Steve ready for the date while Tony gets Bucky ready." Natasha said grinning before knocking on the bathroom door.

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now