Thanksgiving Morning.

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"Knock knock knock" sounded the door.

"Come in?" Tony said confused on who could be knocking since almost everyone had a key to the tower.

"Tony! Hi! Sorry, I left my key" Wanda said walking in.

"It's fine, Wanda. The others are in the kitchen waiting for Steve to wake up to make the pancakes. Apparently he makes the best pancakes in the world."

Wanda walked to the kitchen with Tony.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" She said

"Wanda! I thought you weren't getting here until later!" Natasha said.

"I decided to surprise you guys except I left my key at home." Wanda laughed.


"Well we're just waiting for Steve to wake up
and make the pancakes." Clint said.

"Yeah Tony told me. Why don't you just wake him up?"

"Well, I'm scared of walking in on something I do not need to see. Ever. But if you want you can go wake him up" Clint said.

"I will. I'm starving. It was a long trip." She said before walking to Steves room to wake him up.

About five minutes later she returned.

"So I know I've been gone a couple of months but when did that happen?"

"When did what happen?" They all asked.

"Steve and Barnes?"

"WHAT?!" Tony and Clint shouted jumping up.

"God help me I am going to rip your heads off!" Natasha said.

Tony and Clint ignored her and ran to Steves room.

"God there so damn- no I give up I'm just going with it." Natasha said shrugging before following them with the others.

"They know there's a perfectly good bed right down the hall right? They don't have to share." Tony said.

"You're complaining?! Are we not trying to get them together?! Think before you speak Stark!" Clint said as Steve and Bucky stirred awake.

"Shut up Stevie I'm tired." Bucky mumbled red still closed.

"I'm not talking, Buck I thought that was you." Steve said before it sunk in and they realized they weren't the only ones in the room.

They slowly opened their eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauties." Tony sang.

Bucky jumped and fell off the bed.

"Owww." He said.

Steve sat up instantly. "Are you Okay?!"

Bucky quickly jumped off the ground.

"Fine! I'm fine! Uh morning. Happy thanksgiving! Uh I can- actually- well I uh- I um- you see- I'm going to shower! Yeah shower. I'm going to shower! Bye!" Bucky said before running off.

The avengers+Wanda looked over at Steve waiting.

"I'm gonna go start the pancakes! See ya!" He said before hurrying off.

"Soooooooo they're not together?" Wanda asked confused.

"No. They're madly in love if that wasn't obvious yet but they're not together." Natasha explained.

"And that's where Clint and I come in. We're trying to get them together." Tony said.

"Okay then." Wanda said. "I'm getting my pancakes." She walked away.

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