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"Steve. Steve wake up." A voice whispered.

"Why do I feel like I got shot?" Steve asked.

"Because you did now get off your ass." The voice said more defined and Steve opened his eyes sitting up.

"Peggy? Wha-what? Where the hell am I? What's going on?! You're-you're dead! I was at your funeral!" Steve said standing up.

"Yes, Steve. I am dead." She said as if waiting for him to understand.

"Wait am I dead?!" Steve asked, eyes wide.

"Yes................ but also no. Somewhere in between. Limbo, per say."

"What?" Steve asked.

"You're passed out. You got shot and have been in the hospital for days now. You just flatlined."

"Why am I here? Why are you here, Peggy?"

"To help you make your decision."


"Whether you live or die obviously!"

"Whether I What?"

"It's your life. It's your choice. You can come with me, or you can go back to the guy you married- even if you were drunk- who's sitting there crying his heart out for you." Peggy said pointing down to show Bucky sitting on the ground outside Steve's hospital room crying.

"Didn't you hear everything he said to you?" She asked.

"No? What did he say?" Steve asked and All of a sudden he was looking at Bucky sitting in a chair next to his passed out body.

"What the-"

"Just watch." Peggy said. Steve watched what Peggy told him to and listened to everything Bucky said as if he was standing right there.

Once Bucky finished talking everything went back to as it was before and Steve looked back over at Peggy with tears in his eyes.

"You can let go of your life and die from a stupid gun shot or go back and finish what you started." Peggy whispered.

"He said he wanted to break up. How am I supposed to face him after that?" Steve whispered as a tear rolled down his face.

"One cannot get through life without pain... what we can do is choose how to use the pain life presents to us." Peggy said and Steve laughed lightly wiping his tears away.

"When did you go get all poetic on me, Carter?"

"You heard everything he said as clear as I did. Does that sound like something someone who wanted to break up would say? I can't choose what happens from here for you. You choose that yourself, Steve."

"I love you, Peg." Steve whispered.

"I know that."

"Just not like I love Bucky. And definitely not as much as I love him."

"I know that too. I also know that we were just a push in the right direction. Both for you and for me."

"I can't leave him. Not yet. Not if I-if I-"

"Have a chance at a happily ever after?" She offered.

"Yeah. Let's put it that way." Steve said with a smile.

"Can I at least have that dance you owe me? Before you leave?" She asked and he nodded.

To be continued........

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now