Tell who what

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A few hours after Bucky and Steve got back to the hotel there was a frantic knock at the door.

Bucky grabbed a pillow and put it on top of his head to silence the noise.

"Get the door will ya?" He said to Steve with a yawn.

"Lazy ass" Steve muttered standing up and heading to the door.

"I'm not lazy I'm tired."

Steve rolled his eyes opening the door.

"Okay don't kill me but I may have lost an ex-assassin." Tony said.


"No, I'm Tony. TONY."

"I meant, did you lose Natasha? I don't think you can exactly lose her. She might be out or something."

"No I lost Barnes. I have no clue where he's gone and I'm only telling you because I gave up on looking."

"Yeah tony-"

"Did I interrupt something?"

"Yeah. My sleep."

"Sleep? It's 10!"

"So? I didn't sleep last night. Bucky came over complaining about how much of an ass you are and then we went for a walk and coffee. We got back at like seven in the morning or something."

Natasha suddenly walked by.

"Oh good your up! CLINT! THEYRE UP!" She said before pushing past Tony and Steve and walking into the room soon followed by Clint.

"You guys owe us thirty dollars" Clint said taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

"Get the fuck off my feet Barton or I swear!" Bucky said from under the pillows and blankets.

"STEVE THE BED IS TALKING TO ME!" Clint shouted jumping off the bed.

Bucky say up and looked at him like he had lost his mind.

"Seriously? Can't you guys let me sleep a bit longer?"

"Nope!" Natasha and Clint said at the same time.

"Would you like to come in too?" Steve said to Tony.

"Sure why not." Tony said walking in.

Steve sighed and walked back over to the bed.

"So? How can we help you?" Steve asked.

"Well you can give us thirty dollars."

"Thirty dollars? What the hell did you order Buck?"

"Things are expensive and as soon as I realized they were paying I orders some more macaroons to have delivered later. Those weren't half bad."

Steve laughed before going to give them thirty dollars.

"You know technically after all the shit you put me through and then following us we really shouldn't be giving you any money." Bucky said.

"Were just helping!" Natasha said defensively.

"So what exactly is happening now?" Clint asked.

"Well I'm about to go shower. You guys can do whatever you want." Bucky said about to stand up and head to the shower.

"Wait! Your not naked under there right? I don't have to shield my eyes as you walk to the bathroom?" Natasha asked better to be safe than sorry.

"No! Wait-" he quickly checked under the covers. "Yeah no I'm not." He said before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

"Okay why are you guys staring at me?" Steve asked.

"So?! Are you guys dating now or what?! That was definitely a date right? Yeah that was a date. A walk and coffee. Coffee is like dating 101! And you watched the sun rise right? Technically you did. And you even drew him a picture that was so sweet. That was sweet right? Hell yeah it was sweet. And then you guys held hands! And then you came back here and we don't know the rest." Natasha said.

"We came back here and slept." Steve said like the most obvious thing in the world.

"Slept or-"

"Get your head out of the gutter Barton."

"Did I miss something?!" Tony suddenly shouted.

"Oh right. Everyone left last night except Clint and I and then Steve confessed to us his undying love for Bucky and then Bucky came in here called you an ass told Steve how you guys never actually dated. blamed everything on us, and then walked out before knocking on the door and asking Steve out." Natasha recapped.

"It wasn't a date. Right? And I never said I loved him I said that there's a possibility that I may like him more than a friend. Now keep your voices down he's showering he's not deaf!" Steve said.

"Are we the only ones who saw how into that kiss you were? You practically ate Barnes' face." Clint said.

"I did not!"

"Did too!" The others said.

Bucky poked his head out of the door.

"Steve uh I just realized my suitcase is in the other room.... do ya think you could get it for me?"

"Yeah buck." Steve laughed before heading next door.

"We have to tell Barnes right? Or Steve that Barnes likes him back! We need to do something!" Tony whispered to Clint and Natasha.

"Or not." Clint said. "Don't look at me like I killed a puppy! I'm just saying they went on a date thing that we had nothing to do with so maybe we shouldn't interfere."

"Get out." Natasha said in all seriousness.


"Fine don't leave but we have to interfere!"

"Natasha's right. Have you met these two?" Tony said.


Steve came back and knocked on the bathroom door before handing Bucky his clothes.

"You need to tell Barnes." Natasha and Tony said when Steve sat back down.

"Yeah not happening!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I-I just can't tell him!"

"Tell Who what?" Bucky asked as he came out of the bathroom.

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