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"Brooklyn? You've got to be kidding, Tony. WE  COULD LITERALLY WALK THERE!" Natasha said.

"So? Have you ever actually been to Brooklyn?" Tony asked.

"That's not the point." Natasha sad.

"It's just for a bit while I plan the rest of the trip." Tony explained.

"So you don't even know where we're going. Great." Bucky said rolling his eyes.

"You can roll your eyes at me all you want your still wearing a unicorn horn so I can't take you seriously." Tony said matter of factly.

Bucky scoffed and threw the stupid thing at him.

"There." He said.

They drove for about twenty four minutes before arriving in Brooklyn.

"Look Steve it's a fair!" Bucky laughed.

"Remember when you had me ride the cyclone?" Steve asked.

"Oh I didn't know you called Buckys dick 'the cyclone'" Clint said smirking.

Bucky threw a pillow at him.

"Shut the fuck up, Barton. There's kids here. Three of which are yours."

"Then stop cursing in front of them."

"If you don't want to hear any cursing then I suggest you take your hearing aids out tonight."

"Ew fine you win." Clint said causing them to laugh

"What's with you and carnivals?" Cooper asked.

"It's one of the things I remember most vividly from before HYDRA. We'd sneak into carnivals and the movie theater." Bucky said with a shrug.

"We should go!" Steve said.

"You're kidding right?"

"Come on!"

"Fine. But you need to get me a pretzel."

"Deal." Steve said with a laugh.

The bus parked.

"Let's go!" Steve said getting out.

"We'll all meet at the ferris wheel in, say, five hours?" Tony said.

"Yeah yeah let's go!"

"DONT GET KICKED OUT ROGERS!" Tony shouted after them as they walked away.

"I will not get kicked out!" Steve said stopping and turning back to him.

"Peter, Lila, Cooper, go with them. Oh and take your little brother. Make sure they don't get in trouble." Tony said.

"Stark!" Bucky shouted.

"You're seriously putting teenagers in charge of us?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." Tony answered simply.

"Why do we always have to babysit everyone?" Lila asked herself walking out of the bus with Peter and her brother.

"Well, im going to the Captain America museum. Maybe I'll get a good laugh." Natasha said standing up. "Anyone wanna come with?"

"Hell Yeah." Wanda laughed.

"Tony let's go to the opera!" Pepper said.

"The opera?" Tony asked.


Tony sighed but nodded.

"I'm gonna kill stark." Bucky whispered to Steve as they walked into the carnival.

"Come on, Bucky be nice." Steve teased.

"Let's go to the ring toss!" Peter said.

"Ring toss? Why do we have to babysit? This is stupid! They're practically adults! When we were there age we were already living by ourselves!" Bucky whispered to Steve as they walked over to the ring toss.

"Keep complaining and I won't get you a pretzel." Steve muttered.

"I can get my own pretzel and keep complaining." Bucky said.

"Then keep complaining and you won't be getting any tonight." Steve whispered.

"AHH MY EARS!" Peter shouted covering his ears.

"I think that after Peter tells Stark what you just said you'll be walking back to the tower." Bucky laughed.

"Go to hell." Steve said.

"Okay look we'll give you a hundred bucks to do whatever the hell you want but you guys gotta leave us alone." Bucky said to Peter, Lila, and Cooper.

"But Mr. Sark said-" Peter said.

"Do I look like I care what Stark said?"

"Well take the hundred and we'll be out of your hair for an hour. You want us to be gone for longer then that'll be a hundred per hour. Unless you want us to tell Mr Stark that you left us all alone just to have "alone time"." Lila said.

"Deal." Bucky said handing them each a hundred dollars.

Lila grinned and walked away followed by the others.

Steve laughed and grabbed buckys hand hurrying off towards a ride.

"Okay we have about thirty minutes before we have to meet the others what do you want to do?" Bucky asked after a few hours had passed.

"We should go on the Ferris wheel!" Lila said popping up out of literally no where.

"The Ferris wheel?" Bucky asked.

"Yeah! We have to meet the others there anyways." She said. "Please?"

"Yeah fine let's go." He said and they headed towards the Ferris wheel.

Lila, Cooper, Peter, and Nathaniel all got in one cart while Steve and Bucky got in their own.

The ride started and they had gone around three times before it stopped.

"Why-why'd it stop? What's going on?" Bucky asked looking over the edge of the seat before backing closer to the middle of the seat.

"You okay, Bucky?" Steve asked.

"Just peachy." He lied with a gulp.

"They said the ride broke down! I'm calling mom to let her know!" Lila shouted from where she was.

"We're gonna die." Bucky whispered to himself closing his eyes.

"We're not going to die, Bucky. I won't let you die on some stupid carnival ride." Steve whispered pulling him closer. "Just close your eyes and imagine your on the ground. We'll be fine."

"Oh my god." Natasha laughed from the ground.

"How does this even happen?!" Laura asked.

It took about Thirty minutes before they where finally able to get everyone down.

"Ground sweet ground!" Bucky said practically jumping out of the cart thing.

"What the hell happened?" Clint asked.

"Nothing. It was just a really long time sitting down." Steve said not finding it important for everyone to know of buckys fear of heights.

"You mean you didn't spend the entire time making out?" Tony said sarcastically.

"You left us babysitting a bunch of kids for five hours, Stark. Don't give us that tone." Bucky said.

"Fine fine. Let's get back to the bus." Tony said and started walking back to the bus.

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now