One week later

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It had been a week since Steve started going out with this girl and Bucky was still losing his mind.

"I hate Stark!" Bucky shouted

"So do I." Everyone agreed.

"I'm right here!" Tony shouted.

"This is all you're fault. You couldn't let things be huh? Just had to go solve all the worlds problems huh? Huh?!"

"When was the last time you- oh I don't know- showered? Ate some actual food besides ice cream? Slept?" Tony asked.

"I'm too depressed to do any of that and it's all your fault."

"I think you could blame Hydra a little but Okay."

"глупый Тони Старк с его глупыми волосами и его дурацкой бородой, вынужденной спасать весь тупой мир, независимо от глупой стоимости. это все чертовски страшно, как и все в мире! просто нужно было пойти и установить Стива с кем-то. не мог оставить вещи в покое, не так ли? нет, и теперь он ведет себя как моя вина, что я хочу убить его! МОЖЕТ БЫТЬ, ЕСЛИ ВЫ НЕ ПОДТВЕРЖДАЛИ ЕГО НЕКОТОРОЙ ДЕВУШКОЙ В ПЕРВОМ МЕСТЕ, У МЫ БУДЕТ ИМЕТЬ ЭТУ ПРОБЛЕМУ, И ВАМ НЕ ТРЕБУЕТСЯ БЕСПОКОЙСТВОВАТЬ О ПОТЕРЯХ ВАШУ ГЛАВУЮ ГОЛОВУ! ДУМАЕТ ОБ ЭТОМ СТАРКЕ ?!" Bucky shouted at Tony.

"Stupid Tony Stark with his stupid hair and his stupid beard having to save the entire stupid world no matter the stupid cost. It's all tony fucking starks fault like everything else in the world! Just had to go and set Steve up with someone couldn't leave things alone could he? No and now he's acting like it's my fault that I want to kill him! MAYBE IF YOU DIDNT SET HIM UP IN THE FIRST PLACE WE WOULDNT BE HAVING THIS FUCKING PROBLEM AND YOU WOULDNT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT LOSING YOUR FUCKING HEAD! THOUGHT ABOUT THAT STARK?!"

"Why's he screaming at me in Russian? What's
he saying?!"

"He said you have stupid hair." Natasha said.

"Look Barnes, you just have to get over him." She added.


"Well you know the saying,-"

To be continued

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now