Has anyone seen Bucky?

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"Hey, has anyone seen Bucky?" Steve asked after Sharon left.

"Yeah a few hours ago he said he was going out." Natasha said.

"Oh but it's getting late so, forget it I'm sure he's okay."

"So, what's going on with you and Sharon?" Clint asked.

"We talked and realized we're better as friends but her plane wasn't until today so we decided to hang out a bit." Steve said.

"So you're still in to Barnes?" He asked.

"Yes, Clint. I'm still "in to" Bucky or however you want to put it."

"Just making sure."

"Mmhm. I'm heading to bed." Steve said before walking away.

The next morning

"Okay something's wrong." Steve said walking into the dining room for breakfast.

"What are you talking about?" Natasha asked.

"Bucky never came back last night." Steve said.

"Maybe he met someone." Natasha said and Clint snorted.

"Yeah...... maybe." Steve said with a slight frown.

"I-i was kidding, Steve." Natasha said.

"It's fine. He made it clear before we left Paris that he definitely didn't feel anywhere near what I feel for him." Steve said with a small, sad smile.

"Look, let me ask JARVIS what he knows." Tony said trying to change the subject. He walked over to the intercom turning it on.

"JARVIS, do you know where Barnes is?" Tony asked.

"Mr Barnes has asked me not to say until twenty four hours have passed." JARVIS said.

"Well I'm overriding his request. Where the hell is he?" Tony said as Nick Fury walked in.

"Where the hell is who Stark?" Fury asked.

"Barnes, Nick." Tony said.

"You lost an ex-assassin?!" Nick shouted.

"I did not lose him he's a person not an object."

"I just came to get info on the mission you went on."

"What mission?" Steve asked.

"I have no idea...." Tony responded. "JARVIS! Pull up all mission reports from the last 72 hours."

"Yes, sir." JARVIS said before pulling up the missions.

Tony scrolled through them.

"We never went on this mission......" Tony said as he found a mission he didn't remember going on.

Steve walked over to see what Tony was talking about.

"JARVIS, what time did Bucky leave exactly?" Steve asked.

"Around four p.m. Captain Rogers." JARVIS responded.

"Same time the mission alert went off.... you don't think?" Tony asked.

"HYDRA. He went to fight HYDRA by himself. Does he not remember the hell they put him through?!" Steve shouted slamming his hand against the table and turning to head to the weaponry.

"Where are you going? Steve. STEVE!" Natasha shouted when he wouldn't pay attention to her.

"I AM GOING TO GO FIND BUCKY!" He shouted storming up to the weaponry. He came back a minute later in his suite with a note.

"He took my fucking shield. God I'm going to kill him once I make sure he's not dead!" He shouted.

Natasha sighed and stood up.

"Let us get ready and we'll go with you. I don't want to imagine what you'll do if he's hurt in any way." Natasha said going to change followed by Clint and Tony.

They all came back with their suits on weapons.

"Let's go get the love of your life back, Rogers." Natasha said throwing him a gun and walking out the door.

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