Breaking and entering

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They got back to the tower and all went to their rooms.

Bucky got into bed ready to go to bed when Steve threw him a jacket.

"What the hell? I'm tired!" Bucky whined.

"Get off your sorry excuse of an ass. We're going to go delete those pictures. Stark said to figure it out so this is what we're doing." Steve said pulling Bucky off the bed.

"We're breaking into a place to steal images that the paparazzi took from us even though the law says something about freedom of press?" Bucky said with a yawn as he slipped some shoes on.

"We're just exercising our rights of privacy?" Steve said. " come on! I don't want to have to talk to the press! They're annoying!"

"You're lucky I love you." Bucky muttered as he walked out of the room with Steve. "How do you even know where we're going?"

"I don't. We have to figure that out." Steve said taking his phone out.

"What do you mean we have to figure it out?!" Bucky shouted.

"Shhhh! The others are asleep!" Steve said before making a call.

"I wanna be asleep why can't I be asleep?!"

"You're cranky ya know?" Steve whispered.

"I am not cranky!"

"Hey Happy! Good you're up! Look I know I'm not Tony but this is all Tony's idea. I need you to drive us to wherever the press keeps their photographs. Why? I don't have time to explain. Its an emergency!" Steve said into the phone ignoring Bucky.

About ten minutes later Happy arrived and they got in the car driving to wherever they assumed the photos were kept.

They got to the magazine place where the photographer apparently worked.

"You're Captain America and you're breaking into a place." Bucky said as they walked to the back of the building.

"Just like old days huh?" Steve said with a laugh.

"We didn't break into a magazine place to delete pictures!"

"Yeah we broke into the movies. Now help me get through this window!" Steve whisper-shouted at Bucky.

Bucky punched the window breaking it.


"What? We'll leave them twenty dollars to fix it calm down! Don't get all patriotic on me or whatever." Bucky said climbing through the window firing his gun at the security cameras so they wouldn't see them.

"What was that?! Bucky?!" Steve said from outside.

"Calm the Fuck down! I was just taking the cameras out! Now get in here so we can leave before anyone catches Captain America breaking into a building!" Bucky said annoyed looking out the window.

Steve sighed and climbed through the window.

"Where now?" Bucky asked.

"Storage? Desks? I don't know!" Steve said already going through a computer looking for the pictures.

Bucky sighed and walked to a desk to start looking for a flash drive of some sorts that could have the pictures.

"Damn It!" Steve muttered as a lamp fell to the ground and shattered.

Bucky laughed.

"You're really no good at this are you?"

"I don't normally break into places to erase images of me kissing people!"

"IS SOMEONE THERE?" A security guard said walking in.

"Fuck." Bucky muttered getting down behind a desk and pulling Steve with him.

"What if we-" Steve started.

"Don't you dare get all patriotic on me now Steven Grant Rogers!" Bucky muttered taking out a gun.

"Follow my lead." He whispered putting the gun in a gun holder behind his back. He stood up putting his hands up followed by Steve.

"You caught us." He said an apologetic look on his face. "Well just be on our way I mean, you wouldn't want to jail the Captain America now would you?"

"Cap-Captain America?" The security guard said.

"Yep. I mean, unless you want to be the one who put Captain America in jail......" he said trailing off with a smirk as he started walking away. Steve just stayed staring mouth agape.

"I cant let you leave." The security guard said.

"So close to the door too." Bucky said a little disappointedly turning around at the same time he took his gun out and shooting the guard.

"BUCKY!" Steve shouted.

"Relax it's just a tranquilizing dart! It'll only make him pass out for a few hours." Bucky said putting the gun away.

"Oh my god I thought you killed him!" Steve said sitting down.

Bucky rolled his eyes and kept looking.

They looked for a few more hours.

"I give up!" Bucky groaned. "It's gone! The pictures are gone! We won't find them and that's that!"

Steve sighed standing up. "You're right. Let's go."

They walked to the car where Happy was waiting and headed back to the tower.

They walked into the tower.

"Finally! Home sweet home!" Bucky shouted turning on the lights.

The others came running down.

"What the hell?! Do you realize what time it is?!" Natasha shouted.

"That's a good question. JARVIS, what time is it?" Bucky asked.

"3:45 A.M. Mr Barnes." JARVIS responded.

"Where were you at 3:45 a.m.?" Tony asked.

"Breaking into a building to delete those fucking stupids of Steve and whoever the hell hes with because apparently he hates talking to the press!" Bucky shouted. "I am tired and I just shot someone can I please just GO. TO. BED!"

"YOU SHOT SOMEONE?!" They all shouted.

"With a thing to make them fall asleep. I had the same reaction." Steve said and they all calmed down.

"I'm going to sleep." Bucky said walking past them and to his room.

The next morning

Steve and Bucky were snuggling in bed watching a movie early that morning.

"Can we stay five more minutes? I don't want to get up yet." Bucky said as the movie ended.

"We can stay all day if you want, buck." Steve whispered.

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