After Thanksgiving Dinner

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"Natasha. I need you to drive me to the hospital. Now. Right now. ASAP. Now. Please. I'm scared" Bucky whispered a while after dinner.

"What? Why?" Natasha asked confused.

"......I don't wanna tell you though!"

"Do you want me to get Tony or Steeeeeeve?"

"NO!- no."

"Then tell me why you want to go to the hospital." She said.

Bucky mumbled something not looking at her.

"You need to speak up, Barnes."

"I uhhh well you see the thing is well I um uh-"

"Is he having a seizure?" Wanda asked bringing Natasha a slice of pumpkin pie.

"I don't know."

"I am not having a seizure! Nat please don't make me say it out loud. It's bad enough as it is."

Natasha and Wanda looked at each other before looking back at Bucky.

"Talk or were getting Steve." They said at the same time.

"I think I like Steve! There! I said it! I. Like. Steve. And it's all your fault!"

"My fault? How is it my fault?!" Natasha asked.

"It was the damn turkey! And you cooked the turkey so it's your fault!"

"The turkey?"

"Yes! The turkey!"

"Okay im gonna go...." Wanda said before getting up and leaving.

"The turkey is not at fault and neither am I. Everyone already thought you liked Steve so it's about time you figured it out too. Now why do you want to go to the hospital?"

"Because its a disease?"

"What? No it's not."

"It isn't? Then why do they kill people for it?"

"When were you bor- ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Oh Bucky." She started laughing.

"Why's this funny?"

"Times changed. It's not illegal, it's not a disease, they don't kill people because of it- at least not in New York-, and it's perfectly normal to like people of the same gender. There's really nothing to worry about, Bucky. I mean if he doesn't like you back that's a different story but-"

"Bucky likes who?" Steve asked unable to keep the jealousy out of his voice as he and the others walked in.

Bucky let out a very high pitched noise before fainting.


"Okay maybe now is a good time to take him to the hospital." Wanda said seeing Bucky on the ground.

"He's fine just a little dehydrated. Tony, Clint, help me help him to a bed." Natasha said.

"I can take him." Steve said.

"Okay." She said and Steve picked Bucky up and carried him away. She walked over to Tony and Clint.

"So this is a first but turns out you two were right."

"We're always right. What exactly are we right about?" Clint said.

"Barnes and Rogers. Well, at least Barnes."

"You're kidding." Tony said unbelievably.

"No? Why? Shouldn't you be happy? Didn't you hear when I admitted that you were right" Natasha asked.

"...I just set Rogers up on a date."

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