Texas and Colorado

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It took the whole trip from South Dakota to Oklahoma for Steve to get better and stop being a little shit to everyone.

"What are we doing in Texas? Want us to die from the heat after almost killing Steve in the cold?" Bucky asked.

"We're here to ride horses." Tony answered.

"Didn't we just ride as bull? Why do we have to ride horses now? Can't we just skip to Vegas or something?"

"We rode a bull like four chapters ago. And the world doesn't work like that you can't just bippity-bop to where you wanna be. " Tony responded.

"Chapters?" Wanda asked.

"Did I say chapters? I meant days."

"It was not four days. I should know I've been sharing a bed with Mr. Cranky over here who won't shut up! I'm running on three minutes of sleep, the voices in my head, and twenty-nine cups of coffee. Did you know he woke me up last night just to ask if seventy years ago when I asked if he was keeping the costume if I was hitting on him?" Bucky said.

"Well im sorry it's been a few decades since I was last sick so I got a little cranky." Steve said in his defense.

"Did you just say voices in your head?" Natasha asked.

"Yeah? What? Did you think the winter solider just disappeared? A still have a nagging voice in my head telling me to go back to my mission on killing capsicle over here."

"Capsicle?" They all asked.

"Look if I can be called winter, buck, Bucky, buck bear, winter boo bear, tin man, and more I think I can call Steve capsicle."

"Yeah no ones complaining that sounds hilarious but what's a capsicle?" Natasha asked.

"Captain and popsicle put together duh."

"I really hope the popsicle part comes from him being frozen for seventy years." Tony said.

"Yeah what else would it come fro- Stark! No!"

"Mmhm. Well, anyways, we're here. Let's go ride some horses." Tony said getting up.

"WAIT!" Lila shouted bringing out backpacks for everyone to which they just looked at her waiting for more information.

"You need to change first." She said seeing no one go get dressed.

"Ohhhhh." They all said grabbing the bag labeled with their name.

"When did you get these? How did you have money to get these?!" Clint asked.

"Back at the hotel when Steve and Bucky were in charge. Bucky lent us his credit card."

"Why?" Clint asked but no one answered.

"I call the bathroom first." Natasha suddenly said already walking to it.

"Pink? Seriously?" She said walking out in a bright pink shirt with matching pink boots and pink hat.

"Well wanda got red so you got stuck with pink." Lila explained.

Wanda changed into her red outfit, pepper got purple, Laura got teal, Tony got yellow, Clint got green, Steve got blue, Peter got orange, Lila got magenta, Cooper got brown, and Nathaniel got white.

"I ran out of colors to match with which is why some of your colors won't make any sense. Barnes got silver-grey which you will see if he decides to ever come out of the bathroom!"

"I'm coming I'm coming hold your horses!" Bucky said walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey buckaroo." Steve laughed as Bucky came over to him.

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