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They all slept in the next day.

When they woke up everything was like normal except for the fact that everyone knew about Steve and Bucky and they'd be lying if they said they weren't glad that everyone knew already and that they no longer had to sneak around like teenagers every if it had been fun.

It was pretty cold today so they had decided to stay in.

Bucky and Steve were curled up on the couch together watching a movie with some hot coco.

"I like this. Not having to hide everything. When they ask where we're going we can actually say "on a date"." Bucky smiled.

"Yeah. It also comes in handy when we want to be left alone." Steve agreed.

Natasha, Wanda, Laura, and Pepper walked in on their way to get her own hot coco.

"Awwwww you guys are adorable!" Wanda said.

"Tony told me you two got together. Wasn't sure if it was true or not." Pepper said.

"True as it can be." Bucky said grinning.

"Bittersweet and strange." Steve added.

"Oh god you've been watching beauty and the beast haven't you?" Natasha said as she walked in with their hot coco.

"Yep!" Bucky said with a laugh.

"We're watching The Little Mermaid now." Steve added.

"Ugh get a room you two." Clint said walking in.

"We have a room. We're just not in it." Bucky said.

"No fucking on my couch!" Tony said.

"It's not your couch." Steve said.

"Because that's the important part of this?" Bucky questioned.

"I paid for it it's my couch." Tony said.

Peter just walked in exaggerating fake vomiting.

"Shut it kid." Steve said.

"I take it back. This was much easier when no one knew." Bucky said pausing the movie and standing up with a stretch to go get more hot coco.

"Should we be expecting more people to come in and comment on our relationship or?" Bucky added as he walked back in.

"Uh I have a comment! Get your ass back over here and cuddle with me so we can get back to the movie, punk!"

"Winters coming hold your horses, Rogers." Tony said.

"Winter came this morning. In more ways than one." Steve said smirking.

"STEVE!" Everyone shouted.

Bucky just laughed going back to the couch.

"I'm back I'm back there's no need to go all psychotic." He said handing Steve his hot coco.

"Okay well since practically everyone's here, I've decided that we're all, everyone in this room plus Barton's children and a few others, are all going on a road trip! I've already talked to your aunt kid she said that it's fine." Tony said and practically everyone groaned.

"Can we stop at the Grand Canyon?! I've always wanted to go." Bucky said.

"Sure. Oh we also have a press event later today but that's Nicks fault this is just my way of making up for it. Bye!" Tony added before hurrying off.

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now