New Years Eve Day

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That morning everyone was doing something different to get ready for the party Tony always decided to throw.

"Is anyone else hungry?" Steve asked.

"Yeah actually." Natasha said.

"No! There is no time to eat, Rogers!" Tony said.

"I'm making a snack." He said ignoring Tony. "Bucky, Lila, Cooper, why don't you come help me make some snacks for everyone?"

"What? Can you not make your own sandwich?" Cooper said from the couch.

"There's eleven people here and Pepper will be here in about seven minutes and I bet Tony's kid will be here soon too. That makes thirteen. And like half the avengers eat about five sandwiches so that's twenty eight and just to be safe we should round it up to thirty so with four people making them two people can make around 7 sandwiches and the other two can make eight."

"He's not my kid!" Tony shouted

"Okay I know Tony's a billionaire but how much does he spend on groceries a week?!" Bucky asked.

"Just help me with the sandwiches." Steve said walking into the kitchen.

"I really hope we're not actually making sandwiches and you have another plan because if we are you chose the wrong person to help you with that." Bucky said following him into the kitchen along with Lila and Cooper.

Steve rolled his eyes and nodded towards Cooper and Lila.

"Ohhhh you want to talk to them now?"

"Talk to us about what? I didn't break anything and it wasn't my Twitter that leaked the story! I swear I'm not @thebarnesrogersshow!" Lila said.

"No no you've got it wrong. But I do want to hear about that story and that twitter thing? Anyways, you know how it's New Years and we'll most couples kiss when the clock strikes twelve?" Bucky said.

"Yeah? Is there a point to this?" Cooper said.

"Well most couples don't keep their relationship a secret either. Long story short, we want to kiss at midnight but we can't because of the others so we need you to keep them busy or distracted long enough for us to kiss."

"Awwww of course we'll help! You know you guys are people's OTP." Lila said.

"I still don't know what that is!" Steve said.

"Wait wait wait what's in it for us?" Cooper asked.

"An eye for an eye or whatever that saying is right? What do you want?" Bucky asked.

"Convince my parents to get me a play station."

"I-I don't know what the hell that is. How about I convince them to take you to the carnival?"

"Carnival? What am I? Five?"

"I was happy going to carnivals til I was like twenty five!"

"A hundred dollars."


"Fine! Fifty!"

"How about ten?"

"Ten?! You can't get anything with ten dollars!"

"You can get a steak dinner for ten cents!"

"I think you're thinking of a different time, Bucky." Steve whispered.

"What? How much does a steak dinner cost now a days?" Bucky asked.

"Like thirty dollars?"

"THIRTY DOLLARS?! For a steak?! The future wasn't supposed to be expensive the future was supposed to be flying cars. Howard promised us flying cars. Where are our flying cars huh?"

"I'll take a flying car!" Cooper said.

"How about no car, no money, no play station, and you guys cover for us and we don't tell Stark and your parents that you drove Tony's Lambo around New York even though neither of you have your drivers license because I'm not going to give a child fifty dollars when I just found out that a steak costs thirty." Bucky said.

"You knew about that?"

"Not until just now. So, do we have a deal?"



"Fine! Fine! You have a deal! We'll distract them."

"Good. Now run along while we make the sandwiches." Bucky said as he started taking the things out for the sandwiches.

"You just blackmailed a child." Steve said.

"So?" Bucky asked and Steve just laughed.

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