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Lisa and her friends arrived at the beach. The resort owned by Lisa's family. The girl is rich. Maybe, the richest among her friends. But each one of them is an important individual.

Rosé approached the receptionist and talked to her. Lisa just looked at her and shakes her head then walks her way to their assigned room. The others, including Rosé, followed her.

"Give me that. And you." Lisa roams her eyes through her friends after snatching a key from Rosé's hands.

"You, girls, choose your rooms. I don't care which but just don't disturb me here." Lisa then unlocked the door and closed it loudly behind her.

"Haaa~ 1 month, mom. 1 month." Lisa mumbled to herself then sighed again.

She rolls her luggage near the closet and started to fix her clothes and things to settle inside her room. She sighed again and looked around her big room.

"I should've asked Park Chaeyoung to settle here with me. Or atleast Leo and Luca." she sighed again.

Lisa then heard Rosé yelling outside and sounds so excited to go to the beach.

"No. This is better. I'm better when I'm alone. But I bet Leo and Luca would be better than Chaeng." Lisa mumbles and shakes her head.

"Lisa! Come on! The beach is waiting for us!" She heard Rosé's voice again while banging her door.

Lisa, after fixing her things, she then changed her clothes. She wears her sports bra and tshirts then a denim shorts. She then tied her hair up and approaches the door.

"What took you so long, Lisa-yah.. aigooo.. let's go!"

Seulgi waited for Lisa and then walked with her along the corridor while they are looking at Rosé, Wendy, Sinb, Yerin, and Momo&Mina. The eight of them are having a 1 month vacation because Lisa invited them. Since they have a lot of free time, they agreed on Lisa.

They have reached one of the bar near the beach. They immediately ordered many drinks and foods. As usual, Lisa is quiet again. Not her usual self. The girls noticed her.

"Yah.. it'll be okay, Lisa." Wendy utters and nods.

"Unnie, you know that after this month, things will not work the way it supposed to be anymore. I won't have my freedom anymore." Lisa utter then drinks.

"By the way, why can't you just agree with your Dad's decisions?" Yerin asks. Lisa glared at her.

"Are you really asking me that, Jung Yerin-ssi?" Lisa looked at Yerin with her straight face.

"I'm just curious, dude. Because it's money."

"Who cares about the money? Do you think leading a company would be that easy? No, dude."

"We all know who's leading a company that easily." Seulgi chuckles and looks at Momo, who's busy with her girlfriend, Mina.

"Girls, you know exactly how bigger Manoban's than ours. Actually, I do think also that Lisa can't handle it with her attitude. She's childish. I don't even know why she's so serious right now." Momo utters then chuckles with Mina.

"Oh come on." Lisa looked at her.

"Just kidding. HAHA! Of course you can handle it, Lisa. What's stopping you?"

The girls looked at her and waits for her answer.

"Unnie, I just want a normal life. I don't wanna be an heir. Just an ordinary person."

"Well.. we don't have a choice, Lisa. After a month, the company will be under your name already. You know that even how much you decline your father's decisions, he will still do anything to make you sign the papers."

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