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The moment Lisa reached her room. She immediately sat on her bed and think of what she could do on how to make Jennie's day extra special tomorrow. She suddenly stood up again and walks back and forth.

"Oh my ghad! I can't think of anything! I don't know how this courtship works. I've never courted anyone before. Aish! How am I supposed to do this?!"

Lisa keeps on walking back and forth while muttering the words. She really doesn't know how to court a girl because she has never done it before. Girls always come to her by themselves that's why she doesn't have to court them.

"Oh right! Park Chaeyoung!"

Lisa dashes out of her room goes to Rosé. She koncks on her door so many times, like banging the door and she's getting impatient already. Rosé opened the door looking pissed and wearing her bathrobe with towel on her head.


"Yo. Park Chaeyoung! I need your help!"

Lisa said while dashing inside Rosé's room.

"Help with what?" Rosé frowns as she closes the door.

"Uhh.. h-how to c-court.." Lisa utters and touches her nape.

"Court? Since when are you curious about that? You don't even do courting. Come on. Get out of my room and don't disturb me, I'm about to sleep."

"Yah.. I have to learn atleast the basics of courting. Please.. I'll treat you lunch tomorrow."

Rosé looks at Lisa.

"Promise me."

"Promise. I'll treat you whatever you like."

"Okay. What do you want to know?"

"Uhh.. how? I don't know! Oh my ghad.." Lisa utters in frustration while clenching her head.

"Okay. You can start by being nice to her. I mean.. nicer.. oh my gosh.. candle-light dinner would be perfect. Every girl is so whipped for that."

"A date already? Isn't that too fast?"

"Nothing is too fast when you're trying to impress the girl, dude. What's too fast is you kissed her already. Aigoo.."

"What? W-What do you mean kissed... aigooo.. just continue."

Rosé laughed at Lisa's reactions.

"Okay. If you feel it's too fast. Then just first things first, tomorrow morning, treat her breakfast. You need to know if she wants to eat with her friends or just you. Just.. some ways to lessen the awkwardness."

"Is that it?"

"You need to impress her. I think, just by being yourself when you're with her will help a lot. Giving her some things that she likes. Yep. That's one too, I think. You should know what she likes and dislikes."

"Okay okay. I'll remember that."

"And don't ask her when she's going to yes or what. That's a big no, Lisa. You have to be patient with her decisions."

Lisa is nodding while listening to Rosé.

"You need to make her feel that you're willing to make her say that word. Courtship needs a lot of effort. Some people waited for months or even years just to make a girl say yes."

"Just treat her nicely. Don't disappoint her. Know what.. you're really into her, aren't you? You've never done this to anyone even to your past relationships."

"Yeah.. it's just that.. I feel like.. I really want to prove that I'm worth it. I really like her, Chaeng. I really do."

"I know Jennie unnie would like it too if you just stay being yourself."

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