Lost fight

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In Thailand.

The man who is hired by Marco met him in his office carrying a brown envelope. The man closes the door and faced Marco.

"Sir, everything is in there."

"How is my daughter doing?" Marco utters while reaching for the envelope and opening it.

"She recently went to a hospital and sent Mr. Kim. The man is sick, sir."

"And she met the girl again?"

"Yes, sir. She's Mr. Kim's daughter."

"I see."

Marco leans his elbow on his table after scattering the pictures the man gave him. Pictures of Lisa and Jennie. And also Jennie's parents and her cousins.

"Mrs. Kim is really a good household. But her daughter.." Marco reached for Jennie's picture where she's at the café.

"She will be our problem. If Lisa gets attached to her so much, this might ruin the company's name and reputation."

"They are currently dating, sir."

"Do everything to make her think twice about dating Lisa. Bribe her or scare her. But don't hurt my daughter. I can't let the company be at risk just because of this."

"One more thing, sir. The girl got forced to resign to her previous work because she went overboard to her boss."

"You can use that. Do whatever it takes to stop the two."

"Yes, sir."

The man bowed to Marco and left his office. He picked another picture and stared at Lisa.

"I'm sorry, young lady. But this is for your own good." Marco mumbles.


Jennie is walking back to her father after she bought some medicines for him that the nurse prescribed her. It's late at night and they told her that father can be discharged tomorrow morning. They also told her that she doesn't have to worry about the bill because it's already paid.

"What? I didn't pay it yet."

"Someone did, ma'am. So, don't worry about it."

"Who did?"

"That's confidential, ma'am."


"Just rest and don't worry about it, ma'am." The nurse smiled at her and walks back to the station.

"Who could it be?" Jennie mumbles.

"Maybe it's young lady's doing." Her father utters.


"Yes. She's the one who saw me, maybe she paid the bill?"

Jennie frowns at her father.

"I'll just go outside, dad. You can sleep and rest. You'll be discharged tomorrow."

Jennie went outside to call Lisa. The younger immediately answered.

"Lis, did you pay the hospital bills of my dad?"

"Wow. You sound annoyed. How about good evening first?"

"Just answer me, Lisa. You can't just do this. You already did so much for me."

"I didn't pay it because I know you'd act like this if I did without asking your permission. Actually I was about to but you didn't answer my calls."

"You didn't? Then who did? The nurse told me that it's already paid."


Lisa became silent and thinks about what her mother told her.

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