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"I'm right, aren't I?"

Lisa keeps on flashing a smile to Jennie eventhough she's really hurt and the scene earlier still not escaping her mind.

"Leave me alone."

"Yep. That's your name. Now I know your name. I don't have to remove my clothes here." Lisa tries to laugh but it makes an awkward silent when Jennie just looked at her.

"B-by the way, why are you here alone? Shouldn't you be with your friends inside? It's really freezing out here and you're not wearing any cozy clothes."

Lisa noticed that she's still wearing the same black off-shoulders outfit and shorts as earlier.

Lisa noticed that she's still wearing the same black off-shoulders outfit and shorts as earlier

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Jennie is just silent. Then breeze suddenly hits them and she saw Jennie caressed her arms.

"Here. Wear it."

Jennie got surprised when Lisa suddenly puts her jacket on her shoulders.

"I don't nee--Lisa.."

The two of them looked at the girl.

"Miyeon? I thought yo---"

Jennie's eyes got widen when Miyeon suddenly slapped Lisa.


"So you took a vacation leave just to flirt with girls around here?"

"What? No. You totally misin--" Another slap, this time on her other cheek.

"You don't understand, babe." Lisa utters.

"Don't call me babe! You're such a liar! You know what.. let's end this! Whatever this immorality we're doing!"

"Immor... yah.. you don't mean that."

"Oh I mean it. I really do, Lisa. I'm breaking up with you."

"Miyeon.. please. Okay. I'm sorry. But let me ex--"

Miyeon slaps Lisa again and pulled her wrist from Lisa's grip.

"Don't come near me ever again. I hate you. And you can continue whatever you're doing with that bitch."

Jennie's eyebrow raises and then glares at Miyeon. Then the girl walks away from them.

Jennie looks at Lisa's back. The girl just puts her hands on her waist and looked down. Lisa shakes her head and chuckles then Jennie heard her sniffs. She immediately wipes her tears and walks away. She couldn't look back at Jennie because of embarassment.

Lisa is not even far away yet when she heard some yelling from a guy. When she turns her head back, she saw Jennie being gripped by a guy and the girl really looked scared. Lisa frowns and immediately runs to them and pushes Hanbin away from Jennie.

"Yo, dude. What is going on here?"

Some of the people heard the commotions too. Even Lisa's and Jennie's friends, who are out looking for them both.

Through Her Eyes (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now