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Lisa's mom is busy in the office. She really filed a divorce and she's waiting for the papers to process. Marco keeps on begging her and crying in front of her.

Hanbin didn't tell the authorities about Marco's involvement in the case. He got so many charges lining up against him. Mr. Kim wants to continue the case. He will fight for his daughter. Hanbin is now in KPD's custody. They are studying his case thoroughly.


Few days have passed and Lisa is feeling better and better. She's about to get discharged and they are just waiting for the go signal of the nurse.

"NiNi, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes. I'm just.. I'm okay.."

"You don't really look fine.."

Lisa walks to her and caressed her face.

"Stop worrying. I'm fin--"

She went inside the comfort room again, covering her mouth. Lisa walks closer to the door and knocks.

"What is happening to you?"

"I-I don't know."

Jennie opens the door after she flashes. Lisa immediately checks on her.

"You know what.. let's ask Dara unnie to check you up."

"No need, Lisa."

"Please.. I'm so worried about you."

"And there's still one thing you need to know about Jennie. You'll be happy the moment you knew about it........" Lisa remembers her father's voice again and glanced at Jennie.

Lisa reached for her phone and dialled Dara's number. Few minutes of talking, she drops the call.

'Happy?.....What is it, dad? What is it I need to know?.....'

"Let's go to her office." Lisa hugs Jennie and caressed her back. Jennie just nodded and clings her arms to Lisa.

"Uhh.. Mr. Lee, just bring our things to the car. I need to bring her upstairs. She's not feeling well." Lisa utters.

"Ne, young lady." Mr. Lee bowed to her. Lisa nodded and they continued walking.


Dara immediately checks on Jennie. Lisa is waiting for her inside the consultant's area. Few moments, Dara calls for Lisa. The girl immediately stood up and went inside Dara's office.

"Before anything else, Lisa, how's your back?" Dara looks at Lisa.

"It's fine, unnie. It doesn't hurt that much anymore." Lisa utters.

"Let me see."

Dara rolls her swivel chair towards Lisa. Lisa helps her to lift her shirt a little behind her. Dara slowly takes off the gauzes.

"Yeah.. it looks fine. How can you heal so fast with that body of yours, Lisa-ssi.." Dara chuckles.

"Maybe my body's full of iron." Lisa chuckles too. Jennie didn't look so happy with it and keeps on glaring at them. Lisa gulped.

"Stay still. I'll clean it and change the gauzes." Dara looks at Jennie who's glaring at them. She thought of teasing the girl.

"By the way, Lisa.. you have a great body. I can clean your wounds all day."

Lisa's eyes widen and looks at Jennie and noticed that she's clenching her hands tight into a fist. She suddenly felt Dara's hand on her other side and touches her.

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