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Lisa, after closing the door, leans on it and slides herself down while crying. She bursted out her feelings. Anger, Jealousy, Pain, Guilt.. all she's feeling.

She stood up and started throwing things. Started to break everything that's inside her room. Her knuckles started to bleed because of non-stop punching on the mirror.

Jennie heard all of it from her room and she immediately dialled Dara's number to tell Lisa's friends. Jennie walks back and forth inside her room, biting her nails and thinking what she should do.

She heard a scream inside Lisa's room. Then continued noise of breaking and some loud thuds coming from her room. She can't help it anymore and walks outside to Lisa's door.

"L-Lisa.." Jennie calls and knocks. But Lisa keeps on screaming and throwing things.

"L-Lisa, open up. I-It's me."

"L-Leave me alone!"

"Please.. just open the door." Jennie keeps on knocking. Then she startled by a loud thud on the door while she's knocking.

"Yah.. what happened?" Wendy asks while catching her breath.

The girls came. All of them. Lisa's friends and hers.

"She's inside, unnie. She won't open the door. I keep on knocking so many times."

Seulgi grabs the doorknob and it's locked.

"Rosé-yah.. ask Sowon for the keys." Seulgi uttered to her. Rosé immediately runs to the receptionist.

"What happened here, Jen?" Dara asks anxiously.

Then Jennie told them the whole story. They all gasps and shocked about it, because finally, Lisa broke up with the girl. Half of their feelings are glad because she broke up with her, half are worried because of the outcomes. Just like this.

The moment Seulgi opened the door, what welcomed them is chaos. They saw Lisa sitting on the floor, leaning her back to the side of the bed, looking down and with her phone in her hand, while her hands are bleeding so much.

"My ghad, Lisa.. what did you do?" Rosé runs to her.

"Leave me alone.." Lisa utters lifelessly.

Rosé snatches her phone and throw it on her bed then helps her to get up but Lisa pushes her but she's too tired.

"Come on, Lis. Let's get you clean up. Look at you. Aigooo.." Rosé tries to lift her up.

"I said leave me alone! All of you! Get out of my room!" Lisa yelled out and pushes Rosé.


"Fine!" Seulgi yelled back.

"Let's go." Wendy motions her hands to them to get out one by one. But one is persistent.

"Unnie, can I stay?"

"Jennie, you don't know what could happen whenever Lisa is angry."

"Unnie.. I'm used to angry people already. Remember that night?" Jennie said and smiled to Wendy and the others.

They all got shocked because this is the first time they saw Jennie smile.

"Call us right away if anything happens, okay?" Jisoo approaches Jennie. The younger nodded.

The girls closed the door.


"I said get out."

"No. I won't."

"Aren't you scared of me?"

"No." Jennie grabs Lisa's hands and looked at it.

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