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Jennie's been wiping her tears while hugging Lisa. Lisa is crying now too. Jennie releases the hug and cups Lisa's cheeks. She wipes Lisa's tears and kissed her forehead.

"T-tell me. T-Tell me everything. Why did you do it?" Lisa asked as she buries her face on Jennie's neck again.

"Lis, I didn't want that to happen." Jennie started. Lisa lifted her head and looks at Jennie with teary eyes.

She begun explaining to Lisa everything and she can see how Lisa is feeling guilty about it now. The younger keeps on shaking her head. But Jennie keeps on kissing her forehead then hugs her as Lisa leans her butt on the sink.

"I-I'm sorry.. I didn't explain it before.."

"No. I-I'm sorry I didn't listen to you before. D-Did I lose you, unnie?" Lisa grips on Jennie's side and clenched her eyes as she asks.

Jennie looks at her and cries. She leans her forehead to Lisa's and closes her eyes.

"No, Lis. I'm still the same even after a year. How about you.. Did I lose you?"

Lisa shakes her head, still couldn't look at Jennie because of the guilt and anger towards herself for not listening before.

Jennie tries to lift Lisa's head and let her look at her. Jennie wipes both of their tears then hugs Lisa again over her shoulders. The younger's arms are on her waist, hugging her.

"I-I still love you, Jennie Kim. I still do. I love you."

Jennie closes her eyes and hugs Lisa tigher. She cries again and kisses Lisa's head. Jennie didn't have second thought and lifts Lisa's head again that is buried on her shoulders and kissed her. She kissed Lisa on the her lips and Lisa responded.

"I love you, Lisa. I love you too." Jennie gives Lisa a long kiss and hugs her tight again.

'I'm sorry, dad. But I just can't stop loving this girl.'

Lisa giggles and stood up properly. She faces the sink and washes her face.

"Now, I really have to wash my face too." Jennie utters and washes her face. Lisa looks at her and chuckles. She grabs some paper towels again and they both wipes their faces.

"So, are we good now, Jennie Kim?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are we... or I need to court you again?"

"Oh fuck the courting and just love me." Jennie hugs Lisa again. Then they both laughed and kissed again before going back to the room.


"Oh? Why are your faces like that?"

"And what took you so long?"

"Did you two cry?"

The girls started to question them the moment they went in.

"We talked and... I guess we're okay now." Lisa said.

"But Jennie still looks really drunk." Yerin utters.

"You mean.. drunk in love?" Jisoo teases and the girls laughed. Lisa giggles with them.

"We really are so proud of you, Jennie Kim." Seulgi uttered and clapped, teasing the two of them.

"So.. you two are official again?" Mina asked.

"Hmm....?" Lisa looks at Jennie for answers.

"I think so.. yes." Jennie answered.

Lisa shrugged proudly and hugs Jennie.

Through Her Eyes (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now