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Irene checks on Lisa's hands. It has grazes and really swollen. She then turns to her computer and clicks something.

"Lisa.. it's bad." Irene utters and then turns her monitor to show Lisa her X-Rays.

"See this?" Irene points on her left hand's x-ray.

"Your hands got some fractures, Lisa. That's why it's swelling. On your left hand, your knuckles on your ring finger and middle finger. On your right, ring finger and pinky. Do you know what that means?"

Lisa shakes her head.

"We need to put some cement on your hands."

"But it doesn't hurt that much. I can still move them. See?"

"If you do that, it will make it worse. You can't feel it because it's numb because of the swelling but it will hurt if we don't put cement on it after the swelling subsides."

"But I can still type, right? I have so many paper works to do in the office, unnie."

Her mom suddenly went inside the room.

"Good evening, Ma'am." Irene stood up and bowed.

"Good evening. How's my daughter's hands?" Lisa's mom sits on the other chair.

"We have to put some cements on it. Both of them, ma'am. They have fractures. Here and here." Irene showed Lisa's mom the monitor.

Her mom sighed and shakes her head.

"I told you, Pranpriya."

"Don't call me that, mom. Please."

"Pranpriya?" Irene looks at Lisa and chuckles.

Her mom frowns.

"I'm Bae Joohyun, ma'am. I'm Lisa's friend. They call me Irene." Irene stretches her hand for handshake. Lisa's mom reached for it.

"Ahh.. that's why. So, cement?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm going to prescribe her some medicine to lessen the swelling and you can come back tomorrow for the cement." Irene utters while pulling her drawers and get some papers.

Her mom nodded.

"Mom, please wait for me outside. I'll just have to talk to her in private. I'll give you the prescription later."

Her mom nodded.

"I'll wait for you in the car." her mom says.

Lisa nodded and smiles. Then her mom went out of the room. Lisa turns to Irene.

"I pm-ed her already and told her you're here. She said she's on her way." Irene said. Obviously talking about Jennie.

"What?! It's not what I'm about to say, unnie. Why did you do that? My mom is here. Oh my ghad!"

"I told her to get inside through the side entrance. Don't worry."

"Unnie.. I don't even want her to see me here. She'll be worried." Lisa utters and shaking her head.

"Tss. Don't worry. She's Jennie. She'll be fine."

Lisa looks at her and shakes her head. She immediately gets her phone again and call her mom.

"Mom, I won't be able to go home with you."

"Why? Where are you going?"

"Just.. go home. I'll buy the medicine for me. I have my wallet with me. And make sure my cards are working."

"Don't go home late, okay. Don't move your hands too much. Don't for--Mom. I know what to do. I'm not a kid anymore. Please stop treating me one."

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