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At Manoban's residence.

"Lisa, you don't have a choice. You are our only daughter and you need to do this." Marco stated.

"Dad.. please. I don't want to. I want a normal life! Just an ordinary person. I don't want these madness! I don't want your money!"

"Lisa, inside house voice. Please." Marco looked at her and Lisa suddenly feels intimidated by her father for the first time.

"You don't have any other choice but to sign the papers. You are our only heir. You can still have your normal life but you can do that inside your office while working."

"Exactly, dad! I don't want to be in the company! I don't want this! I want freedom! Isn't working under her supervision enough?! I'm really exhausted about it already! Mom, please.."

"I'm sorry, dear. But we don't have a choice. Look at us.. we're getting old--Mom, don't use that to me please."

"We need to atleast keep the company running and you're our only hope. You're our only daughter."

Lisa's mother really knows Lisa and she knows that she's a good daughter. She hates it but they need to do this. Lisa is the only heir of the Manoban's company all over the country. Even some other countries.

"We'll give you whatever you want just sign the papers." Marco utters.

"I don't want to, dad. Please.. mom."

"Say it. Say whatever you want, Lisa but declining the papers won't do."

Lisa looks at her mother. The woman nodded. Lisa then sighed and gave up when she looked at her dad. Shs knows she won't be able to change her father's decisions. But despite all of it, she loves her parents.

"Fine." Lisa utters then she saw how her parents' faces lit up in excitement.

"But.. before I sign those papers. Please give me one month to think about it all over again."

"One month it is. What do you want?"

"One month vacation leave with my friends."

"And how sure are we that you will come back here and sign this?"

"Come on. You know I can't live without you both. But dad, mom. Please.. accept whatever decision I'd make after this one month. Please. I need to think about this, really."

Her mom hugs her.

"Alright, Lisa. Just think about it harder."

"You know I won't accept a no, Lisa."

"That's why I'll think about it harder, dad."

Lisa immediately went out of her dad's office and calls her friends. A group video call on their group chat.

"What's up?"

"Yo yo!"

They joined the call one by one.

"So, girls, I know this is too early." Lisa started.

"Baby, who is it?" Lisa heard Mina's voice on the other line.

"It's Lisa. Come here."

"Oh hi, Lis. What's up?"

"Aigooo.. this two. Are you always together? Mina, you're in the gc for a reason."

"Are you really that stupid, Lisa?"


The girls laughed.

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