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Lisa is still in her car staring at her phone, waiting for Jennie's message. She's smiling from ear to ear while remembering what just happened. That finally, they are back together. Then her phone pinged and Jennie's message popped up.

From: My Mandu~

"I so love my dad."

Lisa immediately replied.

To: My Mandu~

"Why? What happened?"

:"He accepted me already. And I told him about you."

"Really? That's amazing! So, can I get inside now?"

:"Yes. I'm sorry it took so long. I'll tell you everything when see each other again."

"It's okay. I missed you already."

Lisa puts her phone to the shotgun seat for a while and drives herself inside their gates. She parked in front of their house. Her phone keeps on beeping as she drives inside.

She then grabs it and gets out of her car.

:"I missed you more."

:"Yah! Why aren't you replying!?"

:"Are you texting another girl?! Manoban! I'll kill you!"

"What?" Lisa chuckles.

"I just parked my car, NiNi. HAHA!"

:"Oh really? Okay. Get some rest now. I'll sleep now too."

"Hey.. can I see you one more time before going to sleep?"

:"You know we can't do that here."

"Of course we can. I'll wait for you in the kitchen."

Lisa walks to her room and changes her clothes to comfy. And went straight to the kitchen. She drinks water and left the glass on the sink. Not a minute passed and Jennie approaches her. She immediately grabs Jennie's hands and runs to her room.

"Yah yah.. I can't go up here." Jennie whispered.

"Of course you can. It's my room."

Lisa tries to pull Jennie inside her room but Jennie fights it. Lisa pulls her harder and closes the door behind them.


"Shh.. they might hear you."

"I told you I can't. I'm going now."

"You're not going anywhere, Jennie Kim."

Lisa kissed her and wraps her arms around Jennie's waist.

"Lisa.. we can't." Jennie mumbles in between their kisses.

"Shut up."

Lisa kisses her more and pulled her closer. Jennie didn't fight anymore and wraps her arms around the younger's neck.

"I missed you so bad." Lisa utters and buried her face on Jennie's neck.

"I'm so stupid for not listening to you before."

"It's already done, Lisa. Stop thinking about it anymore."

"I'm really sorry."

"Shh.. it's okay now. Atleast we're back now."

Lisa nodded and pecks on Jennie's lips again.

"So can I go now? We both have work tomorrow."

"Speaking of work, what time is your out?"

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