Households' head

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Lisa woke up early and took a bath immediately. While in the shower, Lisa couldn't help but think about what happened. Now she's starting to doubt herself. If she's capable of loving someone, or if she's deserved to be loved by someone. She keeps on thinking what she's been doing wrong for her to experience the same mistake, the same pain from the same reason. She thinks that maybe she's not a guy that's why. Now, she's thinking of doing something that can change her life forever.

After the shower, she gets her luggage above the cabinet and opens her cabinet. She gets her clothes one by one and puts it in her luggage. She went out for a while to go to Sowon.

"Unnie.. good morning. Are my clothes in the laundry done?"

"They haven't brought them here yet, young lady."

Lisa closes her eyes when she heard what she called her again.

"Please call the laundry shop. I need them immediately. I'm going back to Seoul."

"Alright, young lady. I'll call them right away."

"Thank you."

Lisa walks back to her room when she saw Jennie came out of hers. Jennie looks shocked when she saw Lisa. That goes with Lisa too because she noticed Jennie's eyes are swollen and she looks tired early in the morning. She feels like she wanted to go to her and hug her and comfort her but what happened just keeps on flashing in her mind.

Lisa closes her eyes and shakes her head. She just walks passed Jennie when she felt a hand holds her arm.

"P-Please.. Lisa.."

"You're so persistent and it's really annoying."

"Because I didn't do anything wrong." Jennie muttered while looking at Lisa in the eyes.

Lisa just scoffs and looks at Jennie with her cold stare then removes her hands from her arm.

"Stop bugging me so much."

Lisa then walks to her room completely, leaving Jennie standing along the corridor, alone.


"Bye, girls! See you all again soon. Or we can hang out again soon. We have each other's contacts already." Wendy utters while looking at Jennie and her peers.

"Sure! Let's hang out soon. Take care you guys." Dara utters.

"Lisa, aren't you going to say goodbye to your girlfriend?" Wendy utters while looking at Lisa.

But Lisa just ignores her and went inside her car already without looking at anyone of them.

"Are you two okay?" Wendy turns to Jennie. The girl just looked down and pressed her lips.

"Aigooo.. and you're just gonna go without fixing what's bothering you two?" Mina looks at Lisa through her windows.

Lisa just looked at her and started the engine.

"Come on! We're gonna be late!" Lisa just yelled and drives out of the resort. She stopped to the side for a while to wait for the others.

"Tss. Late for what even.. haigooo.." Rosé mumbles from the shotgun seat. Rosé didn't brought her car and just rides with Lisa. Less problem to where to park.

"What happened to you two?"

"I saw her.. with Hanbin...kissing.."

Rosé gasps and looked at her.

"Why would she kiss that guy again? I mean.. did they fix their relationship? But Jennie unnie just..."

She heard Lisa sighed.

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