If you fight, I fight

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Lisa stood up and walks closer to them.

"Who sent you?" Seulgi asks to the man but he's silent.

"Why are you tailing our friend?" Wendy asks.

"Who are you?" Momo asks.

The girls asked him but he's not answering. So, Yerin punches him until he spill it but the guy is still not giving them answers and keeps on standing back up but he's not fighting back.

Then they saw Lisa walking towards them. Lisa removes her mask, the girls looked at her and gasps. Yerin stopped as she turns to Lisa. She's grabbing his collar.

Seulgi grabs her arm to stop her from walking closer to the guy.

"My dad hired him." Lisa utters. The girls gasped except for Rosé.

"What?!" Yerin looks at Lisa.

Lisa suddenly punches the guy also and he grunts as he drops on the ground. He immediately stood up and wipes his mouth.

"Tch." Lisa chuckles.

"Your dad told me to never hurt you."

"You might wanna think about that again." Lisa said and kicks him to his left knee and that makes him dropped on the ground again.

Lisa walks closer and punches his face consecutively but the man doesn't fight back. He looks tired already with Lisa and Yerin's beating.

"Unnie.. help me here." Lisa looks at Yerin while she grips on the man's collar and tries to lift him.

Yerin helps Lisa tied the man on the chair as planned. They tied his hands behind him and his feet on the chair.

Lisa slaps him hard and grabs his collar again.

"Tell me why did he hire you?"

But the man is not answering and keeps on spitting blood.

"What for?! For God's sake!"

Lisa punches him again. Yerin stops her by pulling her away from the guy. Her knuckles look so bad now. Yerin's knuckles turned red but Lisa's knuckles are worse.

"Young lady, don't act like you don't know why." The man utters and glares at her.

Lisa kicks him on his chest that causes the chair to stumble backwards. Seulgi and Yerin lifted the chair back. Lisa approaches him again and punches him really hard. The girls noticed Lisa's knuckles are already bleeding. Rosé grabs her and stopped her. Lisa shakes her hands and the blood splats on the ground.


The girls turned when they heard Jennie's voice. They got more surprised when they saw that she's being held by another man with a gun pointing to her temple. Lisa looks at the man that's sitting. He smirked at her. That makes Lisa's temper exploded and she punches him again until the guy becomes unconscious.

"Young lady, you know exactly why your father hired us."

Lisa glares at the man who's holding Jennie. Rosé grabs her arms again to stop her but she got taken aback when she sees Lisa's expression. She's raging in anger.

"Stop right there, young lady or I'll pull this trigger." The man said.

But Lisa still walks.

"Lisa, don't." Mina mumbles.

Lisa ignores them. The man suddenly points his gun above and pulls the trigger, hitting the roof. Lisa looks at Jennie anxiously because the girl got really scared and started crying.

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