Return the favor

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Lisa woke up early. She felt her body is aching and thinks what more Jennie feels. She kisses her forehead and sees that the girl is still in her deep sleep. She slowly removes the blanket off her body and covers Jennie's properly. She grabs the towel and went to the bathroom. She noticed blood on her hood and thought of last night. She covers her face with her hands and then turns on the shower and took a bath.

When she comes out of the bathroom, Jennie is still sleeping. She went out to look for something to eat. She noticed that the eatery is still closed. She approaches the counter.

"Good morning, miss. What time will the eatery open?"

"Good morning too, ma'am. It's about to open, ma'am. We're just waiting for the cook."

Lisa nodded and went outside for a while. She noticed that the town doesn't have much people at this hour. But some cars are passing by. She went to her car and checks if something is odd. Luckily, not. She just reached for the laptop's charger and went back to their room.

She opens her laptop and their picture flashes. She immediately closed it. She thought of deleting it after what happened to her and Miyeon but she decided not to because it's still a memory.

Lisa logs in to their company's site again and checks everything. She noticed someone has dm-ed her. She clicks and her mom's account bolded.

From: Mom

"Lisa, where are you? I'm looking for you since yesterday. Your dad's aura is different. Maybe he got something again. I saw someone met him in his office here at home. Mind telling me what happened? I want to know. I tried to call your number but it's unattended. DM me when you read this. I'm worried. I love you, Lisa."

'Mom....' Lisa thought.

To: Mom

"Mom, I'm fine. No need to worry. I'll face dad tomorrow. For now, I need some time to think about everything. I'll tell you as soon as I get there. I love you too, mom."

Lisa pressed sent. She saw another dm from Lia. She noticed the time and her secretary is probably in the office right now.

From: Lia

"Ma'am, good morning. Another files have arrived and needs your sign. Also, I cancelled your meeting with Mr. Kim and rescheduled it for tomorrow. Another thing, ma'am. Ms. Park stopped by earlier and looked for you. She told me to tell you to PM her as soon as you read this."

Lisa immediately logged in to her chat app and clicks their group chat. She missed so many convos. Her friends are looking for her already. They are worried too. They mentioned Lisa so many times but she wasn't online for the past hours.

"Yo guys!" Lisa chats.

"Lisa! Gosh! Where are you?"

"What happened, Lis?"

"How are you, Lisa? We've been looking for you."

"Your dad asked me where you are."

The girls chat one by one when Lisa suddenly went online.

"Yo, unnie. About the facility layout."

"Come on, Sinb-yah! Enough with the business for now."

"Tss. Yerin unnie, you don't need to pretend. I know your date didn't go so well."

"Seriously, Hwang Eunbi?!"

"HAHAHA!" Lisa typed and sent.

"Anyway, Lisa unnie, how are you? Where are you?"

"I'm safe. We're safe. Jennie unnie is still with me."

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