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The night is coming. The girls are busy drinking again. Miyeon is with them. The girls is just showing their respect to the person but they really don't like Miyeon's attitude.

"Babe, I'm tired already. Can we sleep now?" Miyeon looks at Lisa.

"We're not done yet, babe. The fun just got started." Lisa then laughed with the girls because they're playing something.

"Then I'm going to sleep alone. I'm going now." Miyeon suddenly walks toward Lisa's room.

She knows where Lisa's room is since Lisa brought her there earlier.

"B-babe.. yah.." Lisa calls but Miyeon keeps on walking. The girls just shakes their heads.

"Until when, Lisa-yah.." Wendy suddenly mumbles.

"Shut up, unnie. I'm going now. See you all tomorrow." Lisa then followed Miyeon to her room.

"Hey.. wait. Stop getting mad please. We just got back together and you're being like this again." Lisa utters. They suddenly saw Jennie's door opens and she came out. Lisa and Jennie got eye-contact but then Lisa withdraws it immediately. Jennie walks away like nothing happened.

"Wow." Miyeon muttered then went inside Lisa's room looked annoyed again.

"Yah.. aigooo.." Lisa sighed as she follows Miyeon inside.

The girl laid on her bed and covers herself with blanket. Lisa turns the light off and locked the door. She then laid beside Miyeon and cuddles her.

"I missed you, babe." Lisa utters.

"I'm sorry." she mumbles.

"Because you're mad again."

Miyeon turns to her and hugs her.

"Let's just sleep, Lisa. I'm tired." Miyeon said hugging Lisa.

Lisa suddenly lifts Miyeon's chin and kisses her. The girl didn't have second thoughts to kiss back. Lisa uses her thumb to slightly opens Miyeon's lips then she inserted her tongue inside the girl's mouth. Miyeon fights it with her tongue. Lisa's hand immediately went down and reached for the girl's folds. Miyeon spreads her legs for Lisa. She opens it using her index and ring fingers. Miyeon gasps and moans in between their kisses.

Lisa keeps on kissing her torridly and lets their tongues fight in dominance. She then inserted her middle finger inside Miyeon's.

"AhH~ fuck~" Miyeon moans in between their kisses. She grips on Lisa's shoulders tight.

Lisa moves her finger in and out of her girlfriend. The girl keeps on panting and gives Lisa kisses as she feels Lisa's finger hitting her spot.

"Yes~ yes~ Fuck me, babe~ AhH~"

Lisa gets deeper and circling her finger inside Miyeon that makes her arched her back and rolled her eyes in pleasure.

"Oh ghad.. yes~ hmmm~"

Lisa kisses the girl to her neck. Then she saw some hickeys when she goes down farther while kissing her. She closes her eyes and went back on kissing her on the lips. She then fasten her pace.

"Ghad.. I'm cumming, babe~ Ahhh~"

She then reached her climax. Miyeon pulled Lisa's finger inside her and licks it. Lisa then grabs the girl's tops and squeezes it and makes the girl moans through her nose.

"That was really good, babe." Miyeon utters. Lisa just forced a smile and kissed her one last time before drifting off to sleep.


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