Same damn reason

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The girls are now walking back to their rooms. Lisa accompanied her girlfriend to her room. Lisa looked down and smiles shyly to Jennie.

"Thank you for today, especially tonight." Lisa utters.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that?" Jennie uttered back. Lisa just giggles and looks at her.

"But seriously, thank you for giving this a shot."

"No, thank you for everything. Though I'm still scared.. but I'll fight with you whatever the outcome might be."

"Don't be scared. I'll be with you all the way. I promise you that."

Jennie suddenly pulled Lisa inside her room and closes the door behind her. She then locks it and turns the lights off.

"I really wanted to do this since earlier. I just don't know how because our friends are watching us."

"Do what?"

Jennie suddenly kissed Lisa hungrily which the younger didn't fight back. She wraps her arms around Jennie's small waist while the older slowly snakes around her neck.

"Did you lock the door on purpose, Jennie Kim?" Lisa whispered and smirks.



Then they continued their kiss. Lisa pulled Jennie closer that makes her moans through her nose. She pulled Lisa's nape tight and deepens the kiss.

"Y-You're...turning me...on.." Lisa pushes Jennie a little because she doesn't want to take advantage of the girl.

Jennie looks at her surprised.

"I-I'm sorry.. I j-just can't h-help it. I don't k-know why but I l-like the touch of y-your lips with mine."

Jennie tries to say even under the dark. She knows Lisa doesn't see her blushing but she still feels shy about it.

"I can imagine how red your face is now, Jennie-ssi." Lisa giggles a bit.

"S-Shut up. I'm not." Jennie hits her arm slightly.

Lisa cups Jennie's cheeks and lifted it up to face her.

"I can still see how beautiful you are even under the dark."

Lisa kisses her again softly. She felt Jennie's grip got tight on her waist. She deepens the kiss and slowly pushes Jennie to her bed.

The girl got surprised when Lisa's suddenly on top of her. The younger kisses her again. Jennie's heart is beating so fast. Lisa went down to her neck. She felt something again and closes her eyes. But her grip on Lisa's shoulders and neck is getting really tight.

Lisa moves herself and lifted Jennie's thighs while squeezing it. Jennie gasps and breaks the kiss.


Lisa stops and looked at Jennie. The girl is avoiding her stare.

"I'm sorry.."

Lisa was about to get up when Jennie stops her.

"I-I haven't d-done this b-before. I-I'm still ...y-you know.."

"Yep. I understand."

Lisa smiles and gives Jennie a long kiss before getting up. Jennie gets up and holds Lisa's hands.

"I-I'm sorry, Lis."

"It's okay."

"P-Please understand. I-I'm not r-ready for it. Please.. I'm so sorry.. sorry.."

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