Last night

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Lisa waited inside Jennie's room. She roams inside and looking at some pictures. She saw one frame where Jennie is holding some medals, wearing her toga. And her parents, of course Jennie also, are smiling and looking so proud. Lisa felt proud too upon seeing the frame.

She then moves to another frame. She saw Jennie holding a mic and standing on a stage. She grabs the picture and Lisa looks surprised when she saw it.

Then Jennie went inside, carrying a bowl of eggrolls over fried rice and a glass of water.

"Whoa~ NiNi?" Lisa showed her picture. Jennie immediately snatches the frame and puts it back to its place.

"Stop looking through my pictures."

"NiNi, you're singing?!"

"Shh! They're sleeping already."

"Oh.. sorry. You're singing?" Lisa wraps her arms around Jennie's waist.

"It was before. Not anymore."


"Uhh.. I don't know. I became busier when I graduated and singing is just a hobby of mine."

"I wanna hear you sing, NiNi." Lisa pouts.

"Soon." Jennie smiles and that makes Lisa excited and jumps.

"Here. Eat now and you need to take your meds."

Lisa nodded and excitedly grabs the bowl but it's hot and Lisa winced. Jennie immediately grabs her hands and blows it.

"Be careful. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Jennie utters anxiously.

Lisa is just looking at her, smiling. Then her eyeballs turns to one picture and her smile fades. Jennie noticed it and she turns to where Lisa is looking. She saw her picture with Hanbin.

"So, you're still keeping this?" Lisa utters coldly and grabs the picture.

"You really have it in frame, huh.." Lisa utters then sighed.

"We don't even have one picture. And you looked happy here." Lisa sighed again and quietly puts back the frame on its position.

Jennie walks to her and backhugged her.

"Do you want to take selfie with me?"

"I want you to get rid of that." Lisa pointed to the frame while looking at her.

"You and Rosé has photo too."

"Ro..? NiNi, she's my best friend."

"So? You and Miyeon. And your other exes too." Jennie coldly utters and removes the hug and walks to her bed.

Lisa looks at her shocked.

"Just eat and take your meds. I'm tired, I wanna sleep."

Lisa just pouts and sits on the chair to eat. She eats and glances at Jennie from time to time. The older is just laying on her bed with eyes closed. Lisa finished the food immediately and took her meds. She brought it outside and washed it. She winced a little because her hands started to ache. Then she noticed how small the house is and saw Jennie's father, sleeping with the three kids on the floor. There's only one room and it's Jennie's. She feels like the whole house is just the same size of her room in the mansion. Her room looks even bigger.

She went back inside and walks closer to Jennie. She sits on the floor and stared at her. She leans her elbow and their faces are just inches apart. Jennie got startled when she saw how close Lisa is. Jennie was about to move away when Lisa touches her face. She got stiffen by how Lisa is looking at her.

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