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JenLisa's wedding became the wedding of the year. Why? Since MB Industries/Cuisine are all over Korea and other countries, though the homebase is in Thailand, the company's name is always making it on top of business industries, headlines on newspapers and tabloids, and top news in every broadcasting stations. And it was all thanks to Lisa and her team's dedications to their company.

JenLisa's wedding was broadcasted live in one network and their friends really rooted for them, telling everyone to stream it, that's why the wedding got trending. Even in social medias. Thanks to their friends and their influences.

But it wouldn't be the best wedding if it isn't Jennie and Lisa. Of course, as simple girl, Jennie didn't like the idea at first. She wanted a simple wedding, in church, with their closest family members, relatives and friends. But as the preparation goes on and with Jisoo's help in convincing Jennie, she eventually agreed.

Jennie also requested to had the entourage in two weeks after Lisa's proposal. She said that she wanted her wedding gown to be perfectly fitted to her before her tummy go big because of pregnancy. Lisa agreed with the thought also, with a grin on her face. Lisa just wanted to see her bride's curves of course. Jennie always turns Lisa on, for goodness' sake. But in all seriousness, the wedding was really perfect.

Both of them cried as they sweetly said their vows to each other. Even their families and guests, cried with them. Especially their parents. Jennie's father really cried himself out. Mrs. Kim keeps on caressing his back during those times. Jennie chuckles when she saw her dad. Mr. Kim's only daughter, his only princess, finally got married with the love of her life.


They had their honeymoon in Maldives. Jennie requested it. For some reasons, it was the same place Lisa had in her mind that's why she immediately bought tickets for them and scheduled a flight.

They spent every day and every night with love and care being with each other. No problems, no hiding. Just them, being JenLisa.


For few months, Lisa never fails to take care of Jennie since she's pregnant. Lisa always gives her the things she wanted. At first, Lisa really couldn't keep up with Jennie's needs, her mood swings, her cravings. Lisa immediately got panicked every time Jennie would call her. She would rant through the phone with Rosé. Her best friend just laughed it off and helped her to calm down every time Lisa would call her. But as times go by, Lisa gets the hang of it. She understands Jennie's situation and she's really patient with her.

Her parents surprised them with a loft. As their wedding gift to JenLisa. Since Lisa didn't have the chance to buy. They moved there the night of their wedding day too with their pets. It's just one drive away from the mansion also.

Until one night....

"L-Lisa.." Jennie calls as she walks outside their room rubbing her side.

"LISA!" Another call and this time, louder.

Lisa immediately run to their room from their garage because she's looking for some papers in the car.

"Why? Why?" Lisa looks at Jennie clenching her eyes and barely stands. She immediately supports her.

"A-AhH!" Jennie grips on Lisa's wrist tight.

Then Lisa saw liquid flowing from Jennie's. Her eyes widen.

"Ohmyghad! It's coming out! What should I do?!" Lisa panicly yelled.

"Goddamnit! Bring me to the hospital! Are yo--AhH! Lisa.. palli!"

Lisa immediately carried Jennie to the car and drives to P&B. Nurses immediately approached them and brought Jennie to the delivery room after laying her on the stretcher.

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