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The two stays a little bit more in the water. The girls noticed that they are taking so long and enjoying each other's company. The girls decided to check on them.

They walks to where they saw Jennie and Lisa. Then they saw the two hugging. Jisoo giggles.

"Do you guys think that they will last?" Sinb suddenly asks.

"What do you mean? They're not even dating." Yerin looks at Sinb.

"But look at them. They look good together, right?"

"I agree with Sinb-ssi." Irene seconded.

"Me too." Jisoo raises her hands.

"And just imagine their past relationship. They are better together. I mean, Lisa has been cheated on, so she won't cheat on Jennie.. or let's just say in general.. because she knows what it feels like." Dara said.

Lisa's peers agreed.

"Then to Jennie's part. She got harassed and received so much violence with her ex. So she won't do it to Lisa because she knows how it feels too. And Lisa won't do it to Jennie also because she witnessed it herself." Dara continues.

"They are better together and I know they won't hurt each other." she added.

"Jennie even told me that she feels safe when she's with Lisa." Jisoo intervenes.

"Lisa. You guys don't know how she loves someone. She's giving her all to that very someone. She makes everything that is possible to make that someone happy and feel loved. She's being careful, too careful to not hurt that someone eventhough she's the one getting hurt and takes all the blame." Rosé said.

"I'm telling this not just because of her past relationships but it is what I know about Lisa. When she loves someone, she's really doing her best to make that someone happy." she added.

"Let's go. Let's just let them have their quality time." Seulgi utters. The girls followed her back to their tables.


Lisa releases her hug and caresses Jennie's cheeks with her thumbs while looking at her eyes. Jennie holds Lisa's hands and closes her eyes. Lisa suddenly heard her sniffs.

"Hey.." Lisa looks at her anxiously. Jennie chuckles and shakes her head.

"I-I'm sorry. I uhh.. I just.. haven't felt like this for a long time." Jennie sniffs again.

Lisa wipes her tears and sees her nose is so red because of crying.

"Why? What do you feel right now, Jennie-ssi?"

"I don't know, safe? Happy? Whenever you're around, Lisa, I don't know why but I feel so nervous. But I'm so comfortable with you."

Jennie reached for Lisa's nape and tries to pull her. The younger didn't fight and their faces are so close right now. Their noses slightly touched each other.

"L-Lisa.. p-please.. let me f-feel it again.." Jennie whispered.

"F-feel what?"

Their noses still touching each other. Jennie keeps on pulling Lisa closer to her. Lisa's right arm is around Jennie's waist right now while her left hand still on Jennie's cheeks.

"W-What I felt w-when you k-kissed me t-that night.." Jennie can feel her chest is going to explode anytime soon.

"Y-You're just drunk r-right now, Jennie-ssi.."

"T-That's better. So t-that I'd forget about this tomorrow."

Jennie pulled Lisa more. The younger didn't fight anymore and kissed Jennie. The older lets out a moan through her nose. She pulled Lisa more and deepen the kiss. Lisa unconsciously moves her tongue again and about to insert it inside Jennie's mouth when Jennie stopped and pulls back. She looks at Lisa's eyes.

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