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Lisa went out of their room after Jennie went to sleep. She went to buy some beers on the eatery. She feels like drinking. She bought some chips too.

She went back carrying the things she bought. She didn't bother to turn the lights on and only her laptop is her source of light. She sits on the couch and started on her paper works. She opens one bottle and drinks.

She can't understand why her father needs to cut her cards when it's not his. All the money she's earning and on her savings are all results of her hardworks. She tried to message Lia about her cards and told her to try to open again her accounts.

She's glancing at Jennie from time to time anxiously. They will be back tomorrow and she's worried about Jennie. But she's thinking on talking to her father about her.

She's busy typing while drinking when she noticed Jennie gets up and walks to her while covering her body with the blanket. Lisa almost chokes by Jennie's looks. She puts her laptop on the table and her beer.

"Hm? I thought you're sleeping already? Are you cold?"

Lisa stretches her arms and hugs Jennie as soon as the girl sits beside her. She rubs her shoulders and arms. Lisa smiles at Jennie seeing how cute she is while rubbing her eyes.

"I was sleeping." Jennie pouts.

"But I didn't feel you beside me that's why I woke up."

"Sorry. I needed to finish this." Lisa utters.

"You smells like alcohol."

Lisa chuckles and wiggles the bottle on Jennie's face. Jennie suddenly pulled Lisa's ear that makes the younger clenched her eyes and holds Jennie's hands.

"Ahw! Ahw! Why?" Lisa looks at Jennie while pouting still holding Jennie's hands.

"We don't have enough money and you still bought that. What are you thinking, Manoban?!" Jennie utters while gritting her teeth and pulling Lisa's ear.

"H-Ha? Uhh.. ahw! It's just extra. We have enough to pay the rent. Please.. sorry." Lisa mumbles.

Jennie removes her hand. Lisa holds her ear and whines while rubbing it with her palm.


She whines annoyingly and looks at Jennie coldly.

"What?!" Jennie retorted.

"It hurts!"

"You're stubborn!"

"It doesn't mean you have to do that! Tsk!"

"Stop shouting at me."

"You are shouting at me."

"You're pissing me off, Lisa."

Lisa scoffs and looked at Jennie in disbelief.

"I am pissing you off? You're the one who pulled my ear without any reason. Why are you always like this to me? If not pulling my ear, you're always hitting me. Why are you so violent? Is that really what would happen if your ex-boyfriend was so violent with you? Aish!"

Lisa grabs her laptop and drinks again without noticing what she just said and what that brings to Jennie. The older got taken aback. She immediately pulled the blanket and walks to the bed again and laid herself quietly. Lisa just furrowed her eyebrows as she followed Jennie with her stare.

Lisa's drinking faster than the usual because she's still pissed and her ear still hurts. She finished her last bottle and the paper works after two hours. She checked the time and it's past 11PM. She sent the papers to Lia's account in their site and typed in some notes to ready it for tomorrow. She closes her laptop after and slowly walks to the bed. She was readying herself to sleep when she heard small whimps from the girl beside her. She moves closer to Jennie and hugs her from behind.

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