Last day

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

 Hi everyone. Today is my last day of school! I am so excited for summer but that means that for the next 2- 2 1/2 months I won't be on Wattpad. So here's my little spiel for the end of the school year. 

 Grade 10. You have brought so many new things into my life. You gave me amazing friends, loads of anxiety when I really didn't want it, days when I wished for no more homework and many amazing conversations with some very important people in my life. I grew in my Faith and although I struggled and continue to struggle with anxiety, I have learned that God loves me and will give me the strength I need when I need it most. Grade 10, you threw some things at me that I never thought I would get through. Those days when I felt like all I wanted to do was stay home, sleep and cry for hours on end; they were hard, but I am stronger because of it. I had days were the only place I wanted to be was at camp, hanging out with my friends. I also had days where I was glad to be where I was. Those days where I just nailed a song in Jazz Choir, or had no homework for the first time in a long time. Thank you grade 10 for giving me amazing days and also for the days that really stretched me and made me hold onto God even more. 

 So I guess that's it for the this year then. I will be writing stuff during summer and probably updating it once I get back. So you guys might see updates in fall about stuff in July so you'll still know what went on during summer, don't worry. I hope you all have a great summer and God bless you as you go and do whatever it is you're doing! I'll miss you guys!


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