Chapter 29

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Soaring on the wind, Tiberius breathed in the fresh air. Though there hadn't been much room for him to fly in the apartment when he got bigger, he enjoyed flying. But to soar and glide outside without having to worry about knocking something over or bumping into a wall? This was an all new experience for him. Gazing down at the streets of Manhattan, he was surprised to see how different everything appeared from this height. He hadn't even realized he was so high up. And it didn't faze him one bit. The hawk loved every single thing about flying outside. Spying the Empire State Building just up ahead, he went in for a landing. Seeing that he had beaten his sister, Tiberius waited patiently for her. A minute and a half later, Rosa finally arrived. The young hawk couldn't help but chuckle to himself when he saw mad his little sister looked.

"Don't... just go... racing off like that... ever again..." Rosa panted, trying to regain her breath after struggling to keep up with her big brother. Looking up from where he had been cleaning the feathers on his shoulders, Tiberius grinned and remarked, "I believe I won this race, talons down. Sorry sis. Better luck next time."

"You... had a... head start... you big jerk..." Rosa pointed out with a glare. Snickering, Tiberius padded over to the edge of the Empire State Building's roof and peered down. Spying Central Park nearby, he glanced over his shoulder at his little sister, who had now laid down on her back. "Wanna head over to Central Park here or should I come pick you up after exploring?" he asked in a teasing manner. Lifting her head to give him another glare, Rosa grumbled, "Don't you dare leave me up here by myself."

"Too late, I'm heading down there. I'll come back for you!" Tiberius called as he hopped up on the rooftop edge and, waving at a frustrated looking Rosa with a big smile on his face, tipped backwards and dived.

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