Chapter 53

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Coughing, Striker rolled over onto his stomach as he drew in huge gulps of air. He had a nasty cut over his right eye and his back had been shredded. His left wing bled all over the place, turning his rusty gray feathers red and sticky. Out of the two competitors, he was missing the most feathers, mostly from his wings and tail. There was a chip in his beak and his tongue hung out from it. Glaring at Tiberius who was surprisingly able to stand nearby, he hissed, "You should've killed me when you had the chance."

"Striker, you have lost the duel. Beforehand, all of the Council agreed that, due to your crimes of murder and thus breaking our noble Code, you are guilty. A punishment for such crimes would be an execution. However, that is not in my nature," Sleet spoke in a clear and crisp voice. Everyone watched silently as she flew down from the highest root of the Great Oak. Landing just a couple feet from Striker, she went on, "Instead, I will have you exiled to Queens. You are not allowed to ever come back to Manhattan. If anyone here," she was now speaking to the whole crowd gathered around the clearing, "Should see him within Manhattan's boundaries, I want him killed immediately. We show mercy on his life today but not in the distant future."

"Any last words Striker before we head off?" Eddie asked as he and Juno approached the owl and forced him up to his feet. His amber eyes scanning the crowd, the great horned hissed, "This isn't the last you'll see of me. I have friends closer than you think!"

"Just get him out of here!" Flash snarled, surprising everyone. The peregrine falcon had been Striker's closest friend. But he showed nothing towards the owl, who was led away by Eddie and Juno, destined to live the rest of his life in exile. Sighing with relief, Sleet approached Tiberius. Dipping her head to him, she spoke softly, "You fought well today my friend. Thank you."

"You're welcome..." Tiberius mumbled, blood dripping out of the corner of his mouth. Eyes rolling into the back of his head, he collapsed on the ground and gave into the darkness...

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