Chapter 12

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After two or three hours of sliding around in the back of the weird log while trying to sleep, Thunder blinked his eyes open to find himself in a weird forest. There were trees taller than any he had seen in his entire life and they had lights on them, like they had taken part of the sun. Wondering where the heck the strange creatures were taking him and his sister Rain to, the young hawk got to his feet. The moment he got up though, the weird log came to a sharp stop, causing him to fall over onto his sister, who had been sleeping. Waking up, she whimpered, "Where are we?"

"I don't know-" Thunder was cut off by a honking sound. It sounded like a bunch of Canadian geese with a sore throat. It was replied to by someone or something shouting. Confused and curious, Thunder and Rain watched as another one of those strange hairless creatures exited its tree hollow and stomped towards the weird log while the pack that had taken them got out and went to greet the older one. Pointing towards the small group, it spoke in a gruff male voice, "Alright kids, what are ya doing here?! Do your parents even know you're down here and not back in Albany?!"

"Phil, we brought you a present! You can sell these little guys in your pet store!" one of the pack members, presumably the leader of the group, exclaimed. He was shaking with unbridled joy. His two companions, meanwhile, picked up the weird nest that Thunder and Rain were inside and brought it over to the creature known as Phil. The two young hawks shrunk back when he lowered his head to look at them. Snarling, he muttered, "Kids, I don't need anymore parrots in this store of mine. Goodnight." He was turning to leave when the pack leader pointed out quickly, "Phil, they're not parrots. They're baby bald eagles!"

"I think he needs to get his eyes checked..." Thunder murmured to Rain, who nodded her head quietly in agreement.

Stopping in his tracks, Phil slowly turned around. The weird smile on his face gave the two siblings chills up their spines. Extending his meaty and weirdly shaped paw out, he mumbled, "Hand them over." With his other paw, he held green leaves. A bunch of them. One of the pack members took the leaves happily while another handed Phil the nest. "Pleasure doing business with you Phil! See ya later!" the pack leader called while he and his companions climbed back into the weird log. The honking noise sounded before the log rolled away, disappearing out of sight.

Lifting the nest up so he was eye level with the two young hawks inside, Phil sneered, "You two are going to bring me a lot of bucks."

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