Chapter 54

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Feeling a sudden pain in his gut, Tiberius woke up with a jolt. Blinking his eyes open, he watched as a whole bunch of youngsters rushed out of the tree hollow he was currently in and took to the air. Laying on his back on a bed of moss, the red tailed hawk looked around at his surroundings. Based on how big the hollow was and how it smelled heavily of herbs, he guessed he was in Dodger's home. All around him were empty nests meant for other patients. Glancing down at his wounds, the hawk saw that they had been taken care of already. His stomach was plastered in cobwebs, which were a crimson color by now. His head throbbed. Groaning, he went to rub it.

"Don't touch it," Dodger's voice ordered firmly. A second later, the osprey whacked Tiberius's wing down. Holding up a small rock shaped like a cup, he gently forced the hawk's mouth open and poured the contents inside. The red tail gagged on the stuff. He was about to spit it right out but Dodger carefully tipped his head back. The contents rushed down his throat. Coughing, Tiberius rasped, "What in the Tribe of the Heavenly Stars was that?!"

"It's supposed to help with the pain you mousebrain. I'm not at all surprised if your skull is fractured," Dodger replied. Pointing one talon at Tiberius, he added, "I don't even know how you're still alive after that."

"Alright if I come in?" Sleet's voice asked. Both Dodger and Tiberius looked up to find the ancient bald eagle waiting on the branch outside of the osprey's home. Her head was peering inside. Dodger nodded his head quietly, moving some things aside. Stepping into the healer's home, Sleet stated quietly, "Dodger, go get Rosa please and let her know that her brother is up." The osprey left without question. Sighing, the bald eagle made her way towards Tiberius, who was attempting to sit up. However, that only caused him some more pain. Looking around, Sleet took some seeds and a few flower petals. Putting them into the small rock Dodger had used earlier, she poured some water into it. Confused, Tiberius asked, "What are you doing?"

"I know he's the healer but I think I know how to ease someone's pain better than that old fool," Sleet remarked. Bringing over the rock, she poured it into Tiberius's mouth. Feeling it run down his throat, the hawk sighed with relief. The pain slowly ebbing away to a dull ache, he mumbled, "Thank you." Smiling softly, Sleet replied, "You're welcome." Thinking for a moment, the bald eagle asked, "How did you pull off that trick? I never seen anyone fake their death so well."

"Let's just say you learn a thing or two when you're domesticated," Tiberius answered, adding, "Plus I might have mimicked a opossum for a whole week."

"Oh you big goofball. You remind me of your Uncle Marlin at times. I don't even know how he became chieftain!' Sleet exclaimed. The pair of them snickered quietly. Laying down beside Tiberius's bed of moss, the ancient bald eagle spoke softly, "With all joking aside and in all honesty, thank you. You saved my life last night." Bowing his head, Tiberius murmured, "It was nothing. Just protecting the Council and its leader, who is the best the Tribe of the Heavenly Stars has ever seen." Her pale yellow eyes filled with kindness and gratefulness, Sleet lowered her head and gently nuzzled Tiberius's cheek. The red tail gave off a soft purr, soon followed by one from the bald eagle.

At that moment, Rosa arrived like a hurricane.

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