Chapter 31

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"How was your first day out in the big world you two?" Alfred asked quietly as the hawk siblings landed on the leather glove he wore on his left hand. He knew he wasn't going to get an answer but he couldn't help but ask. Noticing the blood on Tiberius's talons and beak, he murmured, "Looks like you enjoyed eating something." Stifling a belch, the young red tail puffed his chest out pridefully. Smiling softly, the old man headed towards the staircase that led to the roof and walked down them to the seventh floor.

While Alfred was grabbing his keys out of his jacket, all three of them heard a little boy cry out, "Mommy, look at those doggies!" Confused, Tiberius and Rosa looked around but they didn't see any dogs. Looking back at the kid, who was standing outside of his own apartment, to find him pointing right at them. "That's the first time I've ever seen someone call us a dog," Rosa whispered to Tiberius. Meanwhile, the child's parents came out to see what he was talking about. They took one look at the young red tailed hawks and reacted faster than a speeding bullet. The mother quickly grabbed her son and carried him back into their apartment. The father pointed at Alfred and the hawks with a shaking finger attached to a shaking hand. Finding his tongue, he muttered, "You keep those things away from my son!" Without another word, he slammed the door shut. Perplexed, Tiberius and Rosa shared a sideways glance.

"Well, I've seen many strange things in my lifetime but that one right there takes the cake, hands down," Alfred murmured as he finally got his keys. Opening the front door and walking into the apartment the three called home. Setting Tiberius and Rosa down on the couch, he petted them both on the head as he spoke softly, "Don't worry, you two did nothing wrong. People just take one look at something and they instantly have to start judging and placing labels upon it. You're the sweetest birds in the world in my eyes. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." The two hawks purred and nuzzled their owner's hands lovingly.

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